
Yes, I think, ah, "Londonesque" is what it was. I live about 40 minutes train ride out of central London, and I hear variations of that accent all the time. NZ accents are… different. Mainly, their vowel sounds are a lot tighter ; they say "hid" instead of "head", for example.

I have a good feeling about this, and the hopes that if it does well enough, Warren Ellis' awesome Agents of H.A.T.E. may get made. I really want to see Fin Fang Foom try and shove Tabby Smith in his underpants.

When I was married, I used to do this good ol' boy voice I'd heard on a movie, where some huge sweaty inmate tells Danny DeVito that he's got a pretty mouth. For some reason my wife thought it was really sexy.
Grayson's "inmate voice" and Jules' response made me think of that, and I found myself laughing about my

"…Karl Urban gets to use his actual Australian accent."

We're sure the King In Yellow being alluded to is the Chambers version, right? I just remembered Raymond Chandler wrote a mystery with the same title, in which the hero references Chamber's book…

He knows that time is a flat circle, man. It's Fourth dimensional thinking. We've done all this before and we'll do it all again.

…Yeah. He's Method undercover, man. He embraces his role and lives it. He embraced the hell out of that cocaine last episode.

Rust is all about going deep under cover. He's not the murderer; he's still investigating the murders, but he's doing it alone because he believes there are corrupt elements in the police force, and maybe State government :the"big men", who will interfere otherwise.So he does what he's good at ; he burys himself in

"…he played Claudius to Martin Sheen’s Hamlet, in a semi-notorious, counterculture-flavored production directed by Joe Papp."
Sentences like that make me wish I had a time machine.

"…deeply funny"
Yeah, this has always been a problematic phrase for me. What, exactly, is "deeply funny?" Does it mean that what you're watching, while you appreciate that it's been constructed by clever people whose work you have often admired, is not really moving in any way and so you feel the only appropriate

Then it'll be "Zelda! Like the crazy-ass castrating bitch married to the tortured young genius Scott", right?

Hey, the lead guy's name is Andrew.
I'm here to tell you, that is a great choice of name for a leading man. If he's a puckish but lovable man child posessed of deep spiritual wisdom, that's even better.

"…the difference between a sea lion and a seal"

Watching Killer Women, "Mujeres Asesinas" in the original series, I wondered why the "mujeres". Asesinas is clearly the feminine noun , and hence implies everything. Why add mujeres? It seems as redundant as writing" killer female women" in English, but then I don't speak Spanish and have no understanding of the

My favorite was, "Stop telling me things."

My real problem with this episode is that Sherlock "Mr. Universal Genius" Holmes apparently doesn't know shit about how to get a fire ready to light. You don't start with honkin' big chunks of wood, then pack in ludicrously small amounts of newspaper and a couple sticks of kindling afterward. You start with newspaper

Raj and Penny? No. Way. Actually, Raj and anybody seems doubtful.
Watch Raj calling back Cute Vet Girl at the end. When he knows he has a shot, he becomes a loathsome, overthinking dork. (I understand this, because I suffer from the same affliction.)
Leonard and Penny are a done deal. The series will end with them

Hey, no, two is good. And I would stare; I can't help it. (I probably have a condition I should get help with.)

True, but I don't think the kiss wasn't supposed to be prurient. It adds an interesting complication to what is otherwise just another generic bad guy coming to take Sara down. Nyssa finally does as Truman Capote (or maybe it was Sting) advises; she lets the person she loves go free.
It also occurs to me that maybe

I didn't think there was anything sexier than a girl who could do chin-ups. (There are a couple in my gym who can, and I always end up gawking) Now I've seen Sara doing the salmon ladder, and I know there totally is.
The rest of the episode was pretty great, too.