
The Vulture was excellent; a horrible arrogent douche, sure, but also kind of cool as he shrugged off spilled coffee (wipes right off whale skin apparantly) , tossed a douchy but somehow cool quip to Diaz (he's sexy because God owed him a favour) and then walks untroubled through tear gas wearing just shades and with

So the city just stops, there's The Wall and on the other side is… what ? The
irradiated wasteland of Cursed Earth? I'm thinking it's going to be
more like the Golden Gate Bridge in Gibson's Virtual Light; sort of a
Bartertown/Plisskinesque New York dystopia mash up: somewhere the have nots have
been herded to keep

Just read about this elsewhere. So,so shocking. I had no idea he had such problems with drugs.
A really talented actor and a loss to us all, but my heart goes out to his family, who must be feeling this loss more keenly than any.

I like this show, and not just because I want to take Ilana to a small hotel or auberge, if you will, in the South of France and do deeply sensual, private things with her for about a month or maybe two, depending on how it works out.
I laughed my ass off at Abbi kicking over the sign, and at Ilana's evident desire

Yeah, they wasted that bullet to the eye shot. My friend thinks it should have been Luthor firing the bullet : the last, despairing effort of a manipulative genius finally driven to physical violence in person because of Superman's awesomeness.
Fuckin' Bryan Singer (seriously, fuck that guy) really screwed the pooch

Of course the kid's Dad is Superman. You had a pretty shitty childhood if your Dad wasn't Superman at that age.
(And don't call Brandon Routh a "lesser Superman." It wasn't his fault the movie sucked.)

The moment I saw Macey being all Sarah Connor in the nuthouse (sorry for the insensitive reference, all those who become aroused by insensitive references), I knew she was awesome. She'd even upended her bed to use as a chinning bar.
The girl can do chins! Is there anything sexier?

"about how taking a simple task and putting it through a bureaucratic
Rube Goldberg machine where one must make deals to appease numerous,
sometimes conflicting, interests can ultimately corrupt the task and
indeed result in the task accomplishing the opposite of what was

It was those sweatpants she's wearing while she's looking at Sherlock's "collage". Just her calves, her general poise, that lustrous hair…
I just drifted into a vein of prurient reverie, from which I was awakened some time later by the word Dimetrodon.

Lucy Liu is hardcore, clearly. Whenever I've chopped shallots, I've been weeping like a red haired stepchild in about twenty seconds.
Also ; damn, but she has a nice bottom.

I just kept expecting it to actually be an episode of Californication, where Duchovney had somehow morphed into Greg Kinnear while I wasn't paying attention (which, let's face it, is pretty much all the time on these shows)

I'm hoping CW go ahead and start a Suicide Squad T.V. show, led by Michael Jai White as an amoral mercenary gradually learning responsibility and a moral compass as he leads other D.C. villains in battle against shadowy enemies of the state.
Done right, it'd kick SHIELD right off the air.

I had always assumed Greendale was in California, in L.A. somewhere. I recall a Christmas episode ending in a fight outdoors by and in an obviously fake snow scene. Now, my knowledge of American geography isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure it snows in Colorado in the winter, right? So a fake snow scene would be

"… take some inner emotional state and plaster it over
everything around them because it’s easier to process the world through
movies and television than through whatever’s actually happening."

Is that pronounced (affects strong French accent) "Ohh La La?"

This Flint is Cap'n Flint ; the one with the ugly "blue mug" who dies raving about Darby O'Graw in an alcohol induced fever before the beginning of Treasure Island?

Yeah, but then you have to start challenging people to bite off a finger to prove their fitness to survive.

"…he didn’t get to second base with Ted’s mom"
Ehhh, I think the phrase was more ambiguous than that. You could also take it to mean that he didn't get to have sex with her twice.
I'm embarassed to say the bug with boobs made me laugh like a drain, as my father's people used to say.

Chuck Lorre's stuff does seem to have a dark side;Two and a Half Men was a show that got so mean spirited toward the end of Charlie Sheen's run I quit watching. It was just two grotesques full of rage,spite and self loathing trying to hurt one another to a laugh track. I thought BBT might go the same way, but Amy -

Great show. My faith may have briefly wavered at the moment when Pete tenderly puts his arm around the now sleeping Jill… but then he proceeded to draw a "2" on her forehead.
Also, Randy's sucessful markmanship was really quite chilling. Such a sweet guy suddenly so merciless.