
I think so, too. I also speculate that he wrote, "Call me!" and added a heart and a smiley face.

When did Sherlock turn into Sheldon Cooper? I became aware that he had early in the first episode, when he can't seem to understand tht Watson may have moved on, or in any way had some kind of life seperated from the tidal forces of Holmes' personality (for want of a better term). The stupid, heartless joke Holmes

Runaway; well, okay; but the premise of this show strongly reminded me of an episode of Ninjak I worked on, lo, these many moons ago. It featured a gun that could not miss, on account of some high- tech doohicky that allowed the bullet to track its intended target. The stories were otherwise wildly divergent; the

Those damn things came back in so many episodes of Stargate and Stargate:Atlantis.
Even Tom Strong had issues with them, although his solution to the problem was a lot cooler that the S.G. team's "destroy them all" policy.

What I took away from this is that Abed really is Batman. Who else would hide trackers on their friends, just in case in case one day they are kidnapped? And you just know he's figured out how to take them down if one of them ever goes rogue. That's dark, man. That's the Dark Knight.

"A more cynical Oliver Queen…" so ; Bruce Wayne, then.

So, wow. That was entertaining, for a change.
And holy crap, Skye is interesting! She might even be a Marvel version of, like, Hellboy, or something! All they need to do now is find some way to graft a personality onto Agent Blandly McSquarejaw that amounts to more than, "My brother was mean to me, waahh!" and they'll

Yeah, but how many times can attempting to sit, ejaculating "God's wounds!" and springing upright again be funny?

I was relieved that the Penny/Leonard issue was dealt with quickly. That whole Ross/ Rachel break up/make up tension thing is really getting old now.

I always thought Joey was a missed opportunity. It could have been like a cross between Entourage and Californication when they were interesting shows, but it got buried in schmalz and second rate writing before it even got started.

Exactly what I thought!
I assumed we were going to get a Mafia hired killer that Bell was going to have to shoot using his supposedly "jittery" hand in a redemptive scene that would recall Sherlock's Watson jettisoning his cane toward the end of Study in Pink - or even Sgt. Al Powell rediscovering his resolve (and

"I mean, obviously, the lunch lady did it."

Toward the end of the pilot it seemed for a moment as if they were going to try for that whole 'sixties/early seventies vibe. Like a mash up between Man From U.N.C.L.E. ,Mission:Impossible, and whatever that show with the revolving trio of heroes who were guided on their missions by audio implants in their teeth that

I'd forgotten about the cow.

You're right, of course. The guy who gave us the perfect version of Shang Chi ( not to mention a fantastically hot Leiko Wu and a Clive Reston who looked like a young Sean Connery) deserves to have his name spelled correctly. My apologies to Mr. Gulacy.

"He's really good looking. Like, network T.V. good looking."

It's as if they want the show to be bland and forgettable.
The whole writing staff should be made to read a bunch of 60's and 70's comics like; Steranko's Shield, Gulacey and Moench's Master of Kung Fu, some Jim Starlin Warlock and Captain Marvel, and Don McGregor's Panther's Rage.

Okay. Here's my two cent's worth. The thing that brought Coulson back to life is Asgardian; but y'know, shady, black bag type tech. The kind of thing that Exacts a Terrible Price. Fury gets it from The Enchantress ( a dodgy Asgardian character, known for evil shenanigans.) who will be revealed as The Clairvoyant and

Kids these days eh? Why don't they just stay off your damn lawn?

Just don't get The Crazy Ones. Robin William's desperate need
for approval is so cloying I need to take a shower after watching an