The Anachronist

So wait - one SHOULDN'T sob uncontrollably with each thrust?

Seriously? I thought I would get ranked out for such a dumb pun, and here it is skyrocketing my upvotes!

A girl's gotta have a few secrets

Today you are a man. Or woman. Or equivalent elsewhere on the spectrum.

I couldn't believe how Cappadocius brought down the AV Club with this one simple trick!

If your mangina is aching, you should really talk to your guynecologist.

Not MY first time…

I thought they were dickish even WITH the music.

I had only watched bits of "Pegs" when I was a kid, so we gave it a try on DVD recently.

He was in a "TNG" as well.

Isn't the approval of a just God who smiles upon industriousness reward enough?

I don't know that they HATE poor people, as such… they just wish poor people would shut up and get back to work.

The "goodnight" is a metaphor for death.

Oh, I think a TV show could be great too. But I think a movie could still work very well - it's all down to the writing and presentation, ultimately.

I've been very (VERY) vocal about wanting to see "Howard the Duck" get a truer onscreen translation.

"… surely we as a country can move on from this debacle and refocus the discussion back to the film’s incredibly weird choice to use a rubber baby in lieu of a human one."

Nope. I love it.

Yeah - doing stuff sucks.

How did you end UP in rural Wisconsin?!? Christ.

So what makes this dildo "crazy ass", precisely?