The Anachronist

Well, she could have been a Chinese-born Caucasian. #canbetwothings


We can try it both ways…

Not jarring for me at all - I like women who look like Hank Venture.

Flirting with people by USING television references.

She really doesn't, haha! (Or, at least, has explicitly stated she doesn't want a threesome or to share me.) But thanks for the input!

Man - when that first hit came in "Revenge of the Sith", and there was a kid sitting next to me about the age I was when I saw the original back in '77… pure magic.

Sometimes, it's any port in a hormone storm.

Happy new year, IK!

Ask if he likes angora.

I'm on record here as an occasional (though inexperienced) juicy boner enthusiast.

I'd watch…

I was imagining a lean twink in bikini briefs.

"… I kind of look like that tiny square to the left."

Hey - I'll get a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit and a giant lollie if it'll snag me some of that sweet pedophile dosh!

*sigh* Where are the girls I with a glasses videos I enjoyed as a lad?


Ooh - I hear that Pleasant Actress Alpha-6901 is going to appear without Synthskin (TM) in the new mindstream from IdFeed! THAT is sure to require my biocontrol unit to release an extra dosage of hormone suppressant!

We have potential?!?

Well, about 98% of 2015, anyway…