The Anachronist

You could be the first to make a joke about focus pulling or over cranking.

I have a pair of Wolverines with ground-in swamp muck and (mostly? hopefully?) dead chiggers… still in pretty good shape!

I was speaking more career-wise - he kept working, and has become well-regarded in the voiceover field - rather than the quality of his work (which I can't speak much to, knowing him only as the Joker as far as that goes, though I thought he was good in that part.)

Well, it CAN work… I like how "Futurama" and the "Hitchhiker's Guide" series show that people in the future/space have to deal with a lot of the same headaches we do… but they succeed in that because they are largely satires on our own worlds.

Enh - Mark Hamill did OK once he got into voice work, and Carrie Fisher's writing has sold well and gotten her a lot of respect. But yeah.

By way of example, we just need to look at how Jake Lloyd was rocketed to mega-stardom.

"… but we've Rastiified Christian Grey 10%!"

Forget the 1940s - I think that remains one of the sexiest kisses ever filmed.

Indeed! Sometimes utensils are just too much damn work! :)

"… the outfits and headdresses they wear are outlandish…"

"This is the second appearance of the uncultured-but-not-unintelligent Amazonian huntress…"

"I think you will find that I have no testicles!"

OK - that's pretty damn direct!

How, exactly, did you "try" to make it clear?

I've known plenty of vegetarians who were fucking slobs.

Tell me more about this painting you've conceived…

I always have a good time watching it. I think it pulls off the trick of being enjoyable without being "good", as such.

Sure, I get that, but if there's a specific thing you want to see, regardless of your queue, you shouldn't let the fact that you can't stream it stop you.

"So why haven’t I seen them all? Because they’re not all available to watch instantly on Netflix…"

I've left my swimsuit a few times, but I've always gotten it back, and anyway all they're likely to smell on that is the bracing scent of chlorine.