The Anachronist

Sounds good to me…

The Anachronist's Girlfriend and I made plans to go to the Peach Drop at Five Points, and had reserved a hotel room not too far away(though we don't live far from downtown Atlanta, we didn't want to drive back from the event likkered up.)

Just like in the rest of the world! Am I right, folks? Eh?

How… how many eyes do you HAVE?!?

There was also a well-received computer game before that.

Not necessarily. Depending on the conditions they've been stored in, bones can be white, grey, black, various shades of browns and yellows…

Basically, measuring human bones, individual features of bones, and the distances of those features from each other, can determine ethnicity and sex, as well as potentially some other things, within a range of certainty.

If they're skeletal, how can we tell they're White?

Well, I was thinking Jessica Walters as her mom (Bruce Banner's aunt) and Billy Dee Williams as her dad, so…

… if she can fit it in with starring as She-Hulk.

(Narrows eyes, balls fists.)

What HAVE you been eating?

"Saving Private Benjamin"


Well, I've been keeping her busy indoors…

… the same instruction my 2nd grade teacher gave us!

Hey - if there's an all-female cast and they don't take their tops off, I will demand a refund.

Hey… don't knock it 'til etc.

Hey - have you SEEN his boner?!? You'd be frightened too.

Ooh… tell me more about that script idea of yours… (Begins rubbing groinal area.)