Casting white people all the time really is a sinister plot!
Casting white people all the time really is a sinister plot!
Someone finally a mash-up
It's always depressing to know I will never be that white. And yet, I will never be anything but white.
Just slap Wes Studi's name on the cover and I'm there.
Since Lennon was a multi-instrumentalist, I'll use that flimsy excuse for this link:
Uh, uh, you will eventually have Beatles, on your, on your Beatles tour, yes? Hello?
Aw, with Natalie Portman I was looking forward to the Rifftrax.
I can't believe how many times Joaquin Phoenix walked across that room!
Ha, ha! D'Angelo is a terrible human being!
I loved you in Dead at 21, Jack!
Hello, Marge.
Yay, you look like every 30+ guy's childhood crush! I love you forever!
I hope I look that good when I'm making out with washed-up Canadian pop stars.
Ew, now McKellar has Nickelback spit in her mouth!
Ha ha, his cat hates Mondays.
Whoa, you guys could legitimately pick out stuff like this every week and it would blow my mind. I am an old man who ignored comics until like 2011, so seeing stuff I could have gotten into but didn't is amazing to me.
Seth Green stars in Homeless Dad 2!
There's now even a Netflix Original Series about mermaids! H2O: Just Add Water.