Mantis Cube

Good for you for doing meatless Mondays.

I am all about DIY clothes.  I love the eye-dea *rimshot* of putting googly eyes on shoes.  I might steal that.

I am all about DIY clothes.  I love the eye-dea *rimshot* of putting googly eyes on shoes.  I might steal that.

Surely there's something out there that's similar for less?  I don't know, if you were going to splurge on one thing I'd go with that gorgeous skirt.

Surely there's something out there that's similar for less?  I don't know, if you were going to splurge on one thing I'd go with that gorgeous skirt.

Tell him those kind of pockets are only acceptable if you're trying to sneak 3 meals worth of food out of the buffet.

Tell him those kind of pockets are only acceptable if you're trying to sneak 3 meals worth of food out of the buffet.

I actually found Vegan Yum Yum on my own.  Love her pictures but keep getting irritated that she uses so many ingredients we never have. 
Oh my god, that Vegan Stoner blog is adorable.  Thank you!

I actually found Vegan Yum Yum on my own.  Love her pictures but keep getting irritated that she uses so many ingredients we never have. 
Oh my god, that Vegan Stoner blog is adorable.  Thank you!

I would love some vegetarian recipe blog suggestions.  Vegan is good too.
(Yes, I know, I'm the worst, but I stopped eating meat when I was a kid, I don't think I could start again if I wanted to.)

I would love some vegetarian recipe blog suggestions.  Vegan is good too.
(Yes, I know, I'm the worst, but I stopped eating meat when I was a kid, I don't think I could start again if I wanted to.)

The douchey hipster on the left with the moustache says the most.

The douchey hipster on the left with the moustache says the most.

You inspired me to go and look that one up.  Her giggle is just so infectious, Colbert ends up giving some of the most genuine smiles I've ever seen from him and was barely in character.  Adorable.

You inspired me to go and look that one up.  Her giggle is just so infectious, Colbert ends up giving some of the most genuine smiles I've ever seen from him and was barely in character.  Adorable.

That was an unnecessary musical interlude.

That was an unnecessary musical interlude.

I think I saw a documentary about that once.

I think I saw a documentary about that once.

Wow.  …There's a lot of hate there.