Mantis Cube

I think the reason is that they're black.

I think the reason is that they're black.

This is absolutely it.  I recently watched Cashback on Netflix which, as an artist and generally mopey self-absorbed person, I thought I would like since the "hero" is out of the same mold.  Instead he's completely obsessed with women and uses his time freezing powers to take off their clothes, which could have been

If I was really into tightly clenching a broomstick between my thighs I'd make sure to do it in the privacy of my own home.

If I was really into tightly clenching a broomstick between my thighs I'd make sure to do it in the privacy of my own home.

What if someone that isn't the seeker gets the snitch?  It's never addressed but surely it's possible.

What if someone that isn't the seeker gets the snitch?  It's never addressed but surely it's possible.

UGH.  I mean, it kind of goes without saying, but how I hated that Wonderland movie.  I spent most of the movie just trying to find something I liked about it.  "Well Crispin Glover is scary as shit as usual, that's kind of interesting.  The Bandersnatch is cool I guess, and… nope, no more Bandersnatch.  Well, I'm out

@avclub-d18d28b5ecda71c8279defcae5723b71:disqus  Nami got raped in the bathroom???  I must have missed that one…  I assume that's before the Skypiea arc?  (That's as far as I watched).

@avclub-d18d28b5ecda71c8279defcae5723b71:disqus  Nami got raped in the bathroom???  I must have missed that one…  I assume that's before the Skypiea arc?  (That's as far as I watched).

"Rock Lee was the best character," she admitted, casually betraying her weird obsession with eyebrows.

"Rock Lee was the best character," she admitted, casually betraying her weird obsession with eyebrows.

He's got nothing on Colonel Rex J. Phipps.

He's got nothing on Colonel Rex J. Phipps.

So true.  Most of us are here because we love this stuff so much we want to pick it apart until we've sucked every little bit of joy we can from it.

So true.  Most of us are here because we love this stuff so much we want to pick it apart until we've sucked every little bit of joy we can from it.

I've already made something great so I can SHIT ON ANYBODY I WANT.

I've already made something great so I can SHIT ON ANYBODY I WANT.

If it was real life, that girl's screaming inside her head.  "OH GOD, OH GOD, it's the clingy awkward guy I dated for a month when I was rebounding.  Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me.  Does he still have my number?  Is he going to try to use this as an excuse to text me again?  Shit, I don't think I

If it was real life, that girl's screaming inside her head.  "OH GOD, OH GOD, it's the clingy awkward guy I dated for a month when I was rebounding.  Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me.  Does he still have my number?  Is he going to try to use this as an excuse to text me again?  Shit, I don't think I