Mantis Cube

@NaturalBlues:disqus He comes bearing her coat of arms- two wide staring eyes and a fat pug on a field of red.

@NaturalBlues:disqus He comes bearing her coat of arms- two wide staring eyes and a fat pug on a field of red.

Did you read that fanfiction I wrote about Naruto and Sasuke, printed out and smeared with my menstrual blood yet?

Did you read that fanfiction I wrote about Naruto and Sasuke, printed out and smeared with my menstrual blood yet?

This comment is amazing because that second sentence just summed up my life for the past 2 months so much better than I could.

This comment is amazing because that second sentence just summed up my life for the past 2 months so much better than I could.

@WrongSirWrong:disqus You don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you make a movie, you just have to make the audience care (which is what I'd argue was Chronicle's goal much more than defying genre conventions).  And Chronicle had characters that were so much more grounded in reality and relatable than something

@WrongSirWrong:disqus You don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you make a movie, you just have to make the audience care (which is what I'd argue was Chronicle's goal much more than defying genre conventions).  And Chronicle had characters that were so much more grounded in reality and relatable than something

I grinned ear to ear when I looked him up.  If he's bringing that beard to the table do they even need to change anything?  Perfection.

I grinned ear to ear when I looked him up.  If he's bringing that beard to the table do they even need to change anything?  Perfection.

They should just make a British "Sanford & Son" which I suggest on the basis that I have never heard of "Sullivan & Son."

They should just make a British "Sanford & Son" which I suggest on the basis that I have never heard of "Sullivan & Son."

Bless his mouth, he's the only one in the entire series that gets a happy ending.

Bless his mouth, he's the only one in the entire series that gets a happy ending.

@avclub-81e42ebe6b44656990ff91adfd49b5f7:disqus  I'm currently trying to double check because I'm kind of rusty on my Oz knowledge, but basically there are strange, isolated populations of characters who are, say, sentient food, but in general the populations of each individual land are "normal" people.

@avclub-81e42ebe6b44656990ff91adfd49b5f7:disqus  I'm currently trying to double check because I'm kind of rusty on my Oz knowledge, but basically there are strange, isolated populations of characters who are, say, sentient food, but in general the populations of each individual land are "normal" people.

…oh… when I read it I wasn't even at my lowest point and I remember thinking "That wasn't even that bad, I could have dealt with something bleaker" …

…oh… when I read it I wasn't even at my lowest point and I remember thinking "That wasn't even that bad, I could have dealt with something bleaker" …

Is Ozzies really the nickname for Oz fans?  I hate it and refuse to acknowledge it.

Is Ozzies really the nickname for Oz fans?  I hate it and refuse to acknowledge it.