
Knock it off already, Internet!

I am not a violent person, and in particular I am not a person who feels violence against women is ever acceptable. However, for some reason I really want to punch that woman from the top picture right in the face. Something about her just makes me want to punch something. Maybe she looks like a woman version of a

"This old white dude committed terrible crimes because the evil demons of marijuana forced him to do so. Let's be lenient with him."
"This young black dude chose to smoke pot and then committed some crimes. Let's fry him."

The worst part is, I had to remind my comic shop to remove that series from my pull list at least 5 times over 12 months before they finally got it removed. (The guy who runs my local purveyor of comic books and other assorted nerdery is a really good dude, so I wasn't going to be a dick over $36 over the course of a

The thing with Liam Neeson isn't that he was a dramatic actor who turned to cheese after he made it big, but rather that he has always been a really good actor who just does whatever the fuck he wants to do.

As someone who read the first few issues, it's pretty awful.

…Are you under the mistaken impression that religious fundamentalists actually read the Bible?

I don't think he comes off as a prick. He comes off as someone who clearly feels bitter toward the Hollywood machine that burned him, which is a completely valid and understandable viewpoint. And considering what a fantastic movie UHF is, his long-term resentment seems perfectly justified to me.

I do enjoy some cunning linguistics. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy Modest Mouse.

Not necessarily. I had a similar experience with chicken pot pies when I was growing up. I have always loved pies. Chicken pot pies were no exception. Anyway, I was in first grade and I was just atrociously sick. It was one of those days where I really should have stayed home, but ended up going to school. So

Hah! Good one. But no, it was only a barely failed abortion, so it was hideously deformed. I am a fan of a lot of Seth Green's other work (I can't remember who else was involved with that show), but all I remember about that show is that it was painfully unfunny. It was one of the few times a Fox patented early

(Sad) true story: Scooter was my favorite Muppet as a child.

…Greg the Bunny was a failed abortion.

…still wouldn't quite explain the apparent trauma.

This makes me absurdly happy. More Muppets can never be a bad thing. Well… no… I'm sure there's some moron out there who could find a way to ruin them, but I'm gonna remain optimistic for now.

By the same token, when dealing with whores, anything's negotiable for the right price.

Considering who has and who has not been inducted into the RRHoF, your comment means precisely nothing.

Wait, what?! Reposted a7x Fan is leaving?! Why?!

…wait, since when do drug offenders serve less time than murderers?

CancerAIDS > Fred Durst