
You are a bad-bad person.

Ok, now that the boss is at lunch and I've been able to watch this, I have to say it's pretty great. But just seriously knock it off with the autoplay. *edit* Thanks @Bastard People for your advice. That will help me in the future. However, I stand behind my request to completely remove autoplay as a feature; I

I have to concur with the other comments about goddamn motherfucking asinine autoplaying videos. Seriously, don't do that you assholes!

*Quentyn's entire abortion of a plotline.

The Dunk and Egg stories are fairly light on the T&A, so they probably wouldn't work well as HBO fodder. On the other hand, there's approximately 100x more tits, ass, dong, sex, and rape on the show than there are in the books themselves, so maybe that wouldn't matter a whole lot.

Well, now that all the competent Lannisters are either dead, exiled, or missing, and Cersei is being actively opposed by the church, the Lannisters only *barely* control the throne. On the other hand, Dany is still diddling herself in Mereen and that doesn't seem likely to end anytime soon, so…

Absolutely. Despite my (fake) aggrieved post below, lamenting the shortage of women with large noses, this was actually my first thought. There are certain features that become somewhat universal in cartooning, as they're (near) universally considered appealing.

As a man who likes women with large noses, I find this trend offensive.


I'm hardly a "think of the children!" moron (I tend to hate those people, in fact) but this woman is an idiot who deserves her punishment. So, no, not gonna help subsidize her gross, gross negligence.

I can't remember if I've shared this story with the AV Club before, but with all of the comments about how Canadian bank robberies work (lots of politeness, mainly), I figured this would be a good place for it.

Until just now, I always thought you were an ok dude.

'twere a joke, my good innkeeper.

Well, hey, at least he's not denying the existence of the female orgasm, unlike most misogynists.

Did you know that 5 out of 10 people have below average intelligence? Perhaps even more telling, 1 out of 2 does, as well!

I agree that Lucia was nice for the sake of having a female vocalist on pretty much every track, but of all the female vocalists they've used over the years, she's my second least favorite. But yeah, I think that En Esch and Gunter Schultz's departure was one of the biggest blows to the band. …I should probably

Speaking of… has KMFDM come out with anything that isn't shit recently? I think 7 or 8 years ago was the last time I bought one of their albums, and it was terribly disappointing.

To be pedantic for a moment, even acknowledging that you're going for fake German, it should be "Kein Stackenblocken," not "Nein Stackenblocken." "Nein" is only used as a statement or interjection, as in answering "no, sir, I do not like it!" "Kein" is "no" as in "none" or "not allowed."

He was executive producer, and it's very clearly in his style. There are quite a few other "John Woo" movies that he only produced, as well, though the complete list eludes me at the moment.

Really? Damn, that's still one of my all-time favorite movies. In fact, that and Hard Boiled are probably the only two John Woo movies that still hold up for me (The Big Hit because it's hilarious, and Hard Boiled because it's so fucking ridiculously over the top (and because Chow YunFat is motherfucking awesome)).