
More importantly, aren't people supposed to actually like you to roast you?

See, here's the problem I have with focusing on how hideous Ann Coulter's appearance is: no matter how physically unattractive she is, her physicality is still orders of magnitude more appealing than her personality and her opinions. So body shaming her is stupid because there are much more important things to hate

Very interesting article. I'd comment more extensively but about to leave work, so all I'll say for now is thanks for including Wizards in this article! Such a great movie. "Mom always liked me best!"

*readies the cop porn*

It's already been mentioned, but life without parole is pretty much the same as a pardon in Texxas (the extra "x" is for the Xs over the eyes of all the people they execute… or wait, it's for the executions themselves… yeah, that's it!).

Will everyone continue asking "Where's Larry?" every time he's not onscreen?

I'd upvote you, except that I kind of hate you right now for getting that goddamn song stuck in my head.

Which was a blatant double standard, because us guys get away with that kind of shit all the time. …Great, and now I'm defending someone from the Twilight movies.

Meh, you said it more concisely (pre-edit, anyway). Plus, I probably misspelled the hack's name.

Zero to Godwin in fewer than 10 comments!

It said something about love and honor: that apparently vampires have neither, nor does Stephanie Meyer understand the concepts.

Diversions and narrative dead-ends the show can *and should* skip over. ADwD was some serious bullshit. Maybe 10% of that book's content actually matters.

If ADwD was human, it would have died of complications arising from morbid obesity about halfway through. I've seriously only ever read one other book that was as big a waste of time as that one. (The Long Earth by Stephen Baxter and "Terry Pratchett," in case anyone's wondering…and those are irony quotes around Sir

"Off, please."
"Too bad!"

Was this interview really this unstructured, or is it just edited to appear that way? Almost every single question seemed like a non-sequitur. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but the flow was terrible.

That's pretty much exactly where I am, as well. Between his glacially slow writing, and how half-assed or outright shitty AFfC and ADwD were, I have a very hard time maintaining any enthusiasm about this series.

Happy to be of service. Seriously, though, I've gotten so used to assuming (and almost always being proven correct) that any celebrity whose work I enjoy is actually an enormous dickbag, that it legitimately worries me how adorably wholesome these guys are. It's put me in a real pickle!

Man… everything about these guys just seems so great…which sucks, because it means that when something terrible about them inevitably comes to light, you know it's gonna be a real doozy.

For me, fast travel doesn't break my immersion any more than a scene change breaks my immersion in an engrossing book, movie, or tv show. I've never understood the anger leveled against fast travel, at least in games where you need to actually physically travel to the location once before you can fast travel there.

Sorry if I assumed that was your intent. It's just that that seems to be the majority viewpoint. "Why should x celebrity use Kickstarter/Indiegogo/other crowd-funding? Can't they just use their own presumable millions of dollars?" It bugs me, so I get defensive about the subject. My apologies for assuming ill