The reunion and this vid make me like Roxxy just a tad more. Unlike some (*cough*Phi Phi*cough*) she owns up to her bad behaviour and seems genuinely pleased for Jinkx.
The reunion and this vid make me like Roxxy just a tad more. Unlike some (*cough*Phi Phi*cough*) she owns up to her bad behaviour and seems genuinely pleased for Jinkx.
I always like to think of the Iron Islands as Newfoundland. They drown you and then they make you kiss a cod.
I don't think it ever occurred to him that she would hatch the dragons. But he may think he can take care of them when he gets the chance.
Man are they going to be glad they kept those!
RE: religions - the old gods of the Starks seem to analogous to the pagan gods and Celtic traditions. The new gods who come crowd them out - those could be compared to the Roman gods. R'hollor could be the rise of monotheism, perhaps like Christianity though I know some people see it as being a heresy.
This show had a knack for hiring horrible male actors with bizarre blond hair.
What @lsmene:disqus said. I remember in an early episode he can go head to head with Rory over literature. In season 2 they make it seem like he's never picked up a book or listened to a semi-decent record.
That would be spicier.
That episode is one of my favourite Emily and Lorelai bonding moments.
Working theory: most of the guest stars announced so far are in fact the actors playing the Bluth family in the movie Maeby pitched during the finale.
"Please stay off my landing port…I'm not the tourist killing sort…
But if you have a working girl to kill… Please let her stay while I do
my will"
The look on his face when Jaime said he would scream said Qyburn was totally into that. It was really freaky.
@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus I think my heart just grew three sizes.
fired, blunder, etc.
I really like the Mr. Bennett comparison. Richard is obviously a little more stern, but I've always thought that the elder Bennett's had a big inspiration on Richard and Emily's characters.
I'd like to hear a little more about you cage dancing for Tito Puente personally.
@avclub-45543849d625055bbb097f660db18533:disqus I wish we'd gotten one more glimpse of chain smoking, scotch swigging Emily. It was like she momentarily became Lucille Bluth.
Owen would be a solid Victarion Greyjoy…
I'm still convinced there will be a time jump in Winds of Winter. Otherwise we're just going to have several chapters of people waiting out the years long blizzard that is in store.
@Whatwhatque:disqus She could have tried to start shit (a la Coco) for more screen time however. But even her reads and whatnot have been witty and fun than mean. I do agree that she's become the dark horse candidate. After her first episode, I didn't expect to like her very much or for her to go this far. Glad I'm…