Wouldn't mind a non-lethal glass of that myself.
Vodka, apple juice, cinnamon?
Wouldn't mind a non-lethal glass of that myself.
Vodka, apple juice, cinnamon?
Completely agree. The contestants aren't at the level of past 'Masters' and that combined with the low stakes charity competitions makes for boring television.
I find this first to be a bland offering that was simply content to play it safe and not take risks. Sure it's low calorie, but where's the crunchiness, where's the bite?
I honestly didn't think they were going to kill Helen off. But there they were zipping up that body bag…
I thought that was kind of the point.
I hope so. I think Raylan's got a line that he'll never cross (because he's a good guy, on television), but it would have me on the edge of my seat waiting for season three if he lost his badge in the finale.
Hey now. Arlo tried his best to raise that boy right. It's just that sometimes, in spite of everything you do as a father, the kid just turns into a law abiding citizen.
Isn't the title of the show Justified? I can't see Raylan acting any other way than he did. Even if (when) he guns down the Bennetts, he'll still be doing it in self-defence, and within the boundaries of the law, if just barely.
I prefer Danger Mouse's production to Madlib's, though All Caps almost tips things. But what's different about DANGERDOOM is the breezy, Saturday morning tone. You can find plenty of DOOM stuff where the beats are moody and the lyrics are dark, but The Mouse and the Mask just sounds like a wall-to-wall good time.
Recursive Reiser.
That one where they found roe on the victim's corpse was pretty gross.
Gene Shalit?
'Cross meadow green and darkened dell
As shadows chased, Kazinsky fell
And there he lay, lightning his bain
Yeah, but the fifth dimension is bowel-based echolocation.
A gynescope would be good.
No, but you can stomp on indigents until they serve you in exchange for foodstuffs.
Maybe there's something in his eye.
I'm pretty sure it slowly spins a single slice of cake in the power plant cafeteria.
Homeboys - IN SPACE! (Homeboys in Outer Space)
Reposession agent, paranoiac, drug abuser, shrimp enthusiast, alien hunter, covert operative, car thief
Repo Man