
In the future, military piloting will be done by either computers or by remote control. Remove the pilot from the vehicle, and you eliminate all kinds of problems such as G-force and speed limits, operational run times, oxygen and altitude restrictions, and the slowness of human reflexes.

You don't even have to build anything, really. Just park a hover-bike on the lawn, get some goggles and a lab coat, and you're in!

Better the fluffer than the stunt-double.

There be so should such thing as Danzig Misfits the after.

They didn't know if they were getting renewed when they wrote that, right? With the boys finally growing up and everything it does have a nice kind of finality to it. But I'm sure they'll get it right when they wrap up season six.

It's the Citizen Kane of comedy cartoons.

Most female chefs try to look tough. I think she's the first one I've seen with bright red nails. And yet she owns a restaurant where she breaks down pigs with a butcher knife.

James is adorable, and so are his sweater-vests.
How about his little critic buddy tonight? Spitting image of Michael Ian Black.

I know it was just a worm, but the way that Discovery Channel guy snapped it in half with his bare hands like that was cold-blooded. I don't think Suvir saw that coming.

That I'd see.

Crowder's working for Black Pike now
They're gonna blow the top off the mountain, send all the spoil running down into Harlan County. Ruin our water, poison our air.

Afghamistam was basted in honey and mustard and roasted at twenty-five minutes per pound.

I think Winona was spending nights with Raylan at the motel and just stopping by the house. And I think Winona was softening towards Gary, giving her a reason to have a new rift with Raylan when Gary dissapears next episode.

She's not dead.

Hillbillies have nukes?

It wasn't that long ago that Boyd was Bowman's creepy brother. It's only recently that he's turned into a patient and polite man with a slow, reassuring cadence who dresses in dark, conservative clothes.

I don't think Ava is in with both feet. She likes Boyd, but I can see her having some qualms about the business, and the type of people Boyd's going to be associating with.

I originally thought Gary's behaviour + all that insurance shit pointed to the hit being on Winona, but the conclusion I drew from tonight's episode was that Raylan was the target to take him out of the love triangle (I guess Gary paid with the racehorse?), and that Gary was genuinely upset that Winona had been in the

A big sparkly-ass icicle dick.

You know what they call a guy who pays that much attention to his clothes, don't you?