
Prohibiting Impulse Gambit.

If by take herself out, you mean out of the county, then yeah. Or if she's not leaving, she's at least retiring. The Black Pike deal means she and the family she still holds dear are set. She's divesting herself of her criminal enterprises now (handing them to Boyd and Dickie) because she doesn't need to get her hands

Art was fucking cold-blooded in that scene, not to mention dead on. Raylan is nothing but a problem for him now, but sooner or later Raylan is going to get himself killed. Probably sooner.

@rip van winkle don't bother checking out The Shield. Just watch THE SHIELD.

C'mon McNutt
Not one single 'hand cranking your own meat' joke?
Don't be afraid of the low-hanging fruit, man.

This was probably mention last week, but what I like about Top Chef Masters is watching supremely talented chefs produce top-notch food in spite of whatever the show manages to throw at them. The talent level and general sense of earned respect the contestants on this show carried in past seasons made the

The question is, why was Malory dressed like Amy Winehouse?

Tonight was watchable, not spectacular
I liked the "camera shake" they put in whenever the race cars zoomed past.
And I liked Lana's little black dress.

Show's not the only thing on a hot streak around here.

Just picked up Pink Flag a few weeks ago, looking forward to hearing more…

I keep hearing these stray tracks from the punk-o-rama collection and they're always great.

Yeah, no new Pixies album is why they don't make the list.
Hey, where's The Breeders? I thought Mountain Battles was well received.

It does. And if the Blicero-Katje stuff made you put the book down, you'll never make it through the Pudding bit.

The first half of One Hundred Years of Solitude is the best, so if you're not enjoying it I wouldn't stick it out.
Of course, it's one of my all-time favourite books ever written…

The Blicero bit introduces Katje, when she's living at Nordhausen, being used as a sex toy along with some young German soldier by the sadistic yet fatalistic Captain Blicero.

The bit with Captain Blicero then?
Man, there's some weird sexual episodes in this book. Which kind of bugs me, actually. It seems like post-William Burroughs, some people think it's not a great novel if it doesn't include bizarre and explicit sexual acts.

Me too.
We should party.

The one thing they can't take away from you is hope!

Ah, I think you're referring to the bit with Brigadier Pudding then. Yes, that was awful.

"JMS has this really tone deaf way of writing dialogue"
I've heard this before. Didn't pick up on it as a teenager but it would probably be tough to get past now.