
I refuse to believe this is a real name.
"Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck" sounds like something Jerry Lewis would come up with as an on-the-spot alias.

Nah. Marcel has more of a toadyish, Joseph Goebbels quality to him.

"I feel crushed, dismayed, and pathetic now."

@starvtwalker you're doing Shai-Hulud's work, but it's worth noting that Paul's "Great Crusade" was also a biological imperative on the part of humanity, to mingle and refresh the gene pool.
@Leto II for the love of the god-emperor, don't touch the Brian Herbert books. I haven't read Hunters of Dune, but I read the

Simultaneously cooked and raw while in the oven, like Schrodinger's meatloaf.

Are we talking about the same Dune that had Michael Dorn playing Leto Atreides? Because that was god-emperor-awful.

The sheep must flow…

He gives water to the dead…

I don't know, it's not like AVClub is going to be covering this show weekly. Personally, I just clicked on the link to get a little more Marcel hate.

Time to own up
"a Top Chef viewer spotted him in a nightclub and smashed him in the face with a bottle."

I remember those! They came from the same company that made those Kurt Cobain capguns.
You probably didn't buy one.

Bjork's just tapping what the kids today are into. Multimedia bespoke apps.

Soooo…. Dikachu, huh?

I thought she was married to Space Ghost.

Rachel isn't bad looking either.

It's amazing how much Walton Goggins can get out of a few polite lines, spoken in a moderate tone. Any scene this guy shows up in instantly pivots around on him.

I know Winona is a woman on TV and therefore flighty and impulsive, but this was just retarded. C'mon Justified writers, I know you can do better.

Richard Blais is a tortured artist
Picture this moment: A table full of rich, affluent whites well past middle age, the Nassau Yacht Club, are dining on a deserted beach. They are dressed completely in white, and being served by an all-black wait staff. You can almost see the wealth and privilege each of these people

I'm still in Blais's sweaty, claustrophobic corner, but savoury pineapple sounded pretty awesome to me.

@Here's An Idea that sounds a little too merciful to me. And I gotta admit I do like the simplicity of simply sending the worst dish home every night, no second chances. I'm trying to think of a way to tweak with that format and I can't.
Maybe the best thing would be the judges secretly taking past performance into