Thanks for coming out!
Thanks for coming out!
I like Colicchio a lot, but as has been pointed out by others, the way the judges send the worst dish home every night makes the show more like Top Dish than Top Chef.
Not really sure how they could take past performance into account without sucking a lot of the drama out of things though.
Hey Bobby, remember that Throwdown where you beat a taco stand cook at their own game?
Colicchio knows he can't touch that.
Yes, but will she hike up her skirt for a cheeseburger?…
I just hope the in-game tutorial is handled by bat-mite.
@JVS you can also tape some black trashbags over your clothes and hang out in a downtown alley.
I thought she taught some deaf kid how to talk.
…because it will hurt more.
Mileage may vary.
Funniest moment of the night was Bravo bleeping Dale's "Fuck!" but still feeling the need to subtitle it as "F***!"
And yeah, I was sad to see him go. I actually liked him in his original season, and he's clearly improved as a person since then.
Tex-Mex cooking traditionally takes the form of a post-coital meal after raping a mestizo woman.
Richard was right, Mike stole his idea. Mike was right, Richard should have made it himself instead going for the liquid nitrogen yet again.
I'm just a little surprised that after having the puppets from Sesame Street on last week, they would immediately follow that up with a troll doll this week.
Warning: nightmare fuel.
@Sharkz! I mean the 'The Great Shark Hunt' piece within the book itself, which details a fishing tournament for the rich in Mexico.
At least they didn't go with Alex Cox, and his idea of a cartoon segement.
In the book Thompson states that the Circus Circus is the American Dream. A little kid starts out wanting to run away and join the circus, then he grows up and owns the goddamned circus. And of course Vegas is filled with people still "humping the American Dream." It's a city in the middle of the desert, with no…
"Look out, it's Al Davis! He has a knife!"
The movie has the most realistic depiction of an adrenochrome trip ever filmed, or so some complete idiot once told Gilliam.
And if The Great Shark Hunt had been a few dozen pages longer, it would have easily been Fear and Loathing 2. It just lacks that examination of America that Fear has. If Thompson had dug into the…