Meadow Enthusiast

That reminds me, perfectly-baked/spiced wild-caught Alaska King salmon is excellent on Wonder bread.

I eat your Irish kids.
I eat them up.


Miracle Whip reminds you to KEEP AN OPEN MOUTH.

Thanks bartcow! That's been bugging me forever that Kattan reminded me of another famous person.

Listen all y'all, it's a 54807463!

She was devouring the entrails of a serving wench and decided on a whim to get all playful for the camera and blew a bubble with the intestines.

(W.E. are not amused)

The cops told me they thought I was high, but I proved them!

Of course he posts in every goddamned thread but this one.

Utopia's Hammer In My Heart is my #1 earworm, and I like how it even acknowledged its worminess in the lyrics.

There's nothing wrong with a grown man trying to force his manhood in between the top and bottom halves of the letter B on his laptop keyboard.

And that's just what they'll do.

Anxiously awaiting the War Horse reboot.

It's high-stakes rounds of Hungry Hungry Hippos around an oil drum campfire.

The only thing I remember about Platoon is the DVD cover, where the soldier is awfully excited because the field goal is good.


I'm chomping at the bit to see this movie that has nothing to do with Sarah.

Cupcake ATM? Come on people, its ACM.