Meadow Enthusiast

If she took herself seriously it would be 1000 times worse, but it's just so silly that it's almost entertaining — as long as you think of it less as music and more of an avant-garde performance piece.

For some reason I always think of her as "~ Swinton".

For a while I had a DVR with a 30-second-skip hack. Perfect skips through commercials as well as the 30-second play clock in football. As soon as the whistle blew, hit skip and it's right at the start of the next play. Breezed through 3+hour games in 45 minutes and didn't have to listen to Dan Dierdorf prattle on

Squire will always be my favorite bassist of all time and my absolute hero.
Thanks, AVC and ignore the 'irrelevency' trolls.

Society is a bore to be in, but a tragedy to be out of . . . on the moon.

Idle has always had trouble with bommitment.

Surely there's a spot on TLC for a full series of It's The Mind, where they examine the phenomenon of déjà vu. That strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before, that what is happening now has already happened tonight, on It's The Mind, we examine the phenomenon of déjà vu. That strange

That was my first exposure to him. He seemed like a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like. After the Python doc I vowed never to witness word-like sounds falling out from between his horsey teeth ever again. Years later, I died a happy man.

In that case, I shudder to think what "I haven't learned how to play the drums" is a euphemism for.

He also sells Duracells. Are you really that broke, Dude?

I'd watch any show about the flamboyant sexcapades of Pittsburgh's defensive line.

Quod erat demonstrandum, baby.

So do I. It's unanimous!

No, the stuff I liked was that stuff they gave us before the war, what was it - Wilkinson's Number 8 Laxative Cereal. Phew! That one went through you like a bloody Ferrari…

Ed Grimley on triangle would make this a must-see, don't you know.

Tomax/Xamot you are not.

Have yourself Ebola Cereal!

Vader is Luke's father (!!!)