Meadow Enthusiast

They eat pieces of WHAT?
What a strange compliment.

From a clinical perspective, your emotional growth is totally retarded.

Oh I don't know about that. It could be very amusing. And the only thing you have to pack for the trip is a shovel.
- Mr. Brooks

It's not necessarily music, but I recently drove off an upstairs neighbor I called "Mr. Stompy" with a 1 minute loop of a 30Hz sine wave. My 1000W subwoofer was elevated in the corner of the room near the ceiling and positioned just right so the rumble was deafening in the corners but almost inaudible in the center,

Uh huh!

Meanwhile, Arianna Savall is just not quirky enough to be cool.

San Francisco, North Dakota?

Yeah, I mean nobody's that gay.

Suddenly I'm hungry for SOPA/PILLAS.
With honey badgers.

Snakes on a Plane.
Man on a Ledge.
Moviegoer on a Hiatus.

Problem #99: Someone stole your sweetroll.

You don't have to turn it off, just down.
Just until we're out of town.

Are you a sentient chocolate eclair?

Came in to discuss Zack's book, which is a bit of a pity as this is Farming Club.

Zack in his first book wrote about (wrote about)
Fa la la la la la la la
He wrote about (he wrote about)
He wrote about (he wrote about)
He wrote about (he wrote about)
Zack in his first book
In his first book wrooooote aaaaa-bouuuuut

On vacation in Lake Pahoe.

. . . and five butchers' aprons.

Exactly! If you throw enough money around you can buy stardom for your daughter. See also: Rebecca Black.

As long as you arrive having eaten you're all right with me, Herman.

Where is my bat?
Has anyone seen my bat?