Manic Depressive Dream Girl


I always thought AD was more of a reality show-style documentary than a Serious Documentary (like Christopher Guest movies try to be). That would kind of explain why cameras are in a lot of places they shouldn't. Everybody who's ever seen MTV knows that reality show crews are pretty much above the law. It's a stretch,

I watched it when it aired but didn't start until like the middle of the second season, so even though I lol'd and lol'd often, I didn't really 'get it' as much as if I had watched it all the way through. Also, I was starting college so I didn't really have time (or I didn't think I had time) to really pay attention

As a testament to how lonely, pathetic and hard-hearted I am, my iPhone tried to autocorrect 'love' to 'lobe.'

Fuck yeah, Sean O'Neal!
…I think I just fell in love with you. If only there were some sort of free website I could create to proclaim my adoration for you…

Sarc, there's some Keebler Fudge Shop brand thingy that makes for a reasonable substitute.

Every time I watch All in the Family, I just want to stand behind Rob Reiner and pull his shoulders back so he stands up straight. Seriously, motherfucker's got the worse fucking posture of all fucking time. And it seems like he's always standing to the side on that show just to make it worse.

Long live Georgy! Something about his utter nonsense makes me LOL, and often.

As do I, but have you ever seen an episode of Bored to Death? If anybody deserves the term 'fucking hipsters,' it is the characters on that show.

And piss off those fucking hipsters.

Fischer, ya dotty wee skid mark! You can't even spell your own name! No wonder they kicked you out of high school…

I actually do have a bow in my hair. But at work, so no cigarette.


Seriously? Of all the insane celebrities to endorse you pick a girl whose greatest claim to crazy is her half-assed lesbianism? Out of all the Gary Buseys, Wendy Williamses and Courtney Motherfucking Loves? As a true connoisseur of crazy, I am appalled.

Meh, I think people are too tired of her and wish she would just go away. Poof.

Sadly, O'Neal is now devoting his time to greater, more worthwhile pursuits, such as the art of using Photoshop and watching shitty Canadian TV.

Will it also be easier to type while stoned and piss-drunk? Because the only time I ever talk about Lindsay Lohan is on the AV Club, and the only times I'm on the AV Club I'm stoned and piss-drunk.

God DAMN it I had forgotten that woman even existed.

Remember those long, hilarious, bitter Charlie Sheen writeups O'Neal used to do?