Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Here, cleanse your palate:

My guess is she's too unstable for even that. The amount of work it would take to wrangle her into cooperation, let alone submission, wouldn't be worth it in the end.

Seeing that E!'s most famous/successful reality show is The Kardashians, I don't think this is a wise plan.

I, too, miss reading Sean O'Neal's stream of consciousness.

Phipps is adorbs.

"did randy whats-his-name seriously compare this douche to cobain and radiohead in a positive way?"

But "pure white boy karaoke" is all that American Idol is about. And like you said, pretty much everyone on that show is a waste of space. So I guess if they start being critical, they'd have to actually admit, you know, that the show and everybody on it sucks balls.

Then that would explain why her office is there.

Thanks, it's what I do. *bows*

HIPSTER ALERT 2:32 When did the AV Club start hiring so many attractive males?

Who's the cutie in the corner at 1:08? And why are they trying to hide him?

I think I have more AVC posts than Twitter updates, which is sad considering I'm hardly ever on either. Maybe I should change my handle to Antisocial Dream Girl.

I'm pretty sure many of the AV Club staffers are too drug-addled as it is to notice any substantial difference.

When I was a kid, I used to swipe coffee beans from those containers too and munch on them as I wandered throughout the store. I kind of want some now…

@Mutt — It's a Kenneth thing. It's never supposed to make any sense to anyone at all.

The minute Jack gave Angie her "reality show" I kind of hoped and prayed that there would be an actual "Queen of Jordan" fictional reality show that would stealthily air on Bravo where it might actually trick people into thinking it's real.
Considering that this episode is probably the closest I'll get to having all


Skateboarding. I've seen skateboarding on this channel too.

As a woman and a pair of tits, I'd just like to point out that there's no way in hell those measurements are real. 38-27-34 = likely. 40-27-34 = no.