min alskaren

this comment needs way more than 5 upvotes.

i experienced something similar(but nowhere near as awful) when i was pregnant with my first child.
i was overweight and my doctor encouraged me to gain as little weight as possible.
so he didn't seem particularly concerned when i began losing weight due to my excessive morning sickness.
i ended up losing close to

oh thank god. i was worried i would have to see a doctor the next time i was feeling under the weather but now i know i can just post a selfie on the internet and wait for someone to diagnose me.


crossing my fat fingers

the answer is no

i was surprised to see it here but i've been seeing it elsewhere so, yeah.

robbie is such a gift, as is robert berens.

nah, i called up my feminazis at the sjw board and talked them into make han a girl with girl parts *laughing while menstruating*

i've never been happier to arrive late to a comment section

edit because my initial comment was a bit harsh.
i just disagree, is all, but i'm happy those still watching have something to look forward to.

also i been here a while dude

this is a pun? whoopsies

oh yeah i agree. i would like to think that they'd know, or have at least been instructed, to not cross that line.

i don't see it as a problem, though. there are downsides to the fact that the feedback is so immediate, for sure, but overall i view it as a good thing.

that's a fair point, unfortunately genre shows and shows on smaller networks(like the CW) have to rely heavily on this type of engagement.
personally i hope it's something that continues because i love talking to writers from my fave shows.

yeah this was never a thing.

so you broke up with someone because you didn't want to listen to them talk about something they liked? alrighty then.

"I think, though, when you start consuming media for the sole reason that you're invested in a particular relationship, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment."
this right here.

i know, right? how dare they like a thing!