temocil sales rep

i didnt care much for the gloaming till i heard it live. now i think its one of their best songs.

you funny guy todd barry. im glad you had boner.

dr said i need a backiatomy!

looking forward to this. light up gold is still in rotation for me.

blunderbuss has been my favorite post stripes project from jack white so bring it on.

i guess i just like the idea of moving on. it didnt show ted and robin living happily ever after just that he was willing to try again. but im not a die hard fan so im not as invested in the characters as others so i can see how people would be upset with that.

i think what i like the most about it is that it does kinda retroactively make the past irrelevant and in doing so shows us that nostalgia can be great but can also be a prison that prevents you from taking the next step in life.

as a casual watcher (30 episodes or so) i thought the finale was great. especially for a sitcom. what did everybody want? just for ted to meet the mother? wouldnt we complain that it was boring or just connected the dots and nothing more?

first album i ever bought. and my gateway to left of the dial music. i dont ever listen to it but i will always love it.

album is good. "brother" is the real standout for me.

he looks like a less jewish seth rogan.

agree on justified. i cant stand that shitty country hip hop shit.

with netflix and binge watching brevity is becoming more key. i love deadwoods opening but when your watching 3 or 4 in a row it gets a little annoying due to its length. .

this is my pick too. superjail is a close second.


yep. dude has some serious dingleberrys now.

ive listened to that album exactly one time.

simpsons the flamethrower! the kids love that one.

skrillex… just a bunch of bangs and whistles if you ask me.

what the hell kinda way to act is that?