
You mean The Middleman's Brit Morgan, later lent to True Blood. Well I say (indignant huff)

When does London Spy air for you guys? - cause AV Club needs to see it - brilliant.

Only thing thaT could have improved it would have been more Creeper/more episodes with the Justice League International. I like that Creeper at least appeared in the first and final episode of the series - but c'mon, not showing him in a single fight scene with a single line of dialogue! :(

It was a really under-rated, great show. Have you checked out the main guy actor's new show Limitless? - cause episode 3 has his "ex that got away" & it's the female lead from Manhattan Love Story & i thought that was a beautiful little in-joke!

Uh…. rebooted how? As in no longer behind the scenes of Up Late with Ms. Piggy or less adult content? Cause i think the loss of either would be a shame.

& the late Edward Hermann in Gilmore Girls

That's like asking why Kimmel is still on the air - noone knows, but it makes quotas.,…

Lost Girl….

That WAS a good ep. in addition he's done Impastor (still airing) & was a great douche in Breaking In.

No Way! seasons 4&5 were the reasons i watched Bones. Bones started sliding in season 6 & jumped the shark in season 7 (that was the baby season right?)

What are you guys going to do with the Bones/Sleepy Hollow cross-over next week? Are you just going to review Sleepy Hollow or are you going to do a joint review?

but kinda cool to watch…. c'mon admit it :P

Are we just not addressing the fact that a non-powered character jumped out of a window (in a small scene that developed her as a career-oriented gal outside of merely writing Flash stories)?

Coulda been, shoulda been.

Nobody wins… except maybe the Partridge FamilY?

what does "twinked out" mean?

Really - hairband or wig - cause I vote Ginnifer Goodwin's actual pixie cut as the worst of the 3 - i don't mind the wig by half in comparison.

& Top. Women.

The motorcade/elevator doors stunt made me smile - its the first time I've actually liked something about the Liv/Fitz love affair. I think the Stevie Wonder somg helped a lot - they've been ending Scandal eps this season with classic belter songs - stevie this week & Aretha Franklin in the 2 weeks prior!

"How did we lose a whole boy?"
*silence that speaks volumes*
*Hearts breaking*