
(I am cheating again at Disqus…)
"Sherlock's "read" and Joan's "know" are in fact the same thing, but one is based on long study and practice of scientific principle, the other is guesswork and is as prone to be wrong as right."
Now that's unfair to Joan and empathic abilities in general. Are you suggesting that only

Scheisser, Sherlock…not Scheidster!

I'd have to rewatch the episode to see the visual "evidence" that supports James' theory. Until then, I interpreted it same as you did. That Sherlock had figured out the existence of a connection between the cases right away, but not what the connection actually is, of course. That he was always one step ahead of Joan

Pretty sure that Sherlock suspected as much. All with the added benefit of not being aware that he is in a show.

Wasn't that the exact same car that Alfredo had Sherlock have a crack at in a previous episode? (I am not good with cars.)

Since he was first mentioned and didn't show up I keep thinking that he is Moriarty. If that even makes sense. I don't want him to be, though. I don't feel like this should be that kind of show.

"We also got our usual solid laughs, my favorite being Joan saying she was going to do her "best Colombo impression," and Sherlock having no idea what that meant."
More like "pretending" not to have any idea. I see it as another bit of gaslighting. What we called trolling so far has now received an official name. I am

"starving for some Clyde action"
I see what you did there.

Joan didn't reject her friend, because her friend was smiling when she hung up…duh!

Is that you, Cookie Monster?

We already know that one of them does!

Yeah…finally something that is related to a possible future of PD and there isn't a notification this time, because the words are not in bold. (I assume that's how notifications work?)

I didn't get notifications for years, now within a couple weeks the third notification. Perhaps we can notify it into renewal? I'd be open-minded about a blood sacrifice, if that helps.

But heads totally crash through drywall when Keri Russell kicks guys!

It doesn't happen very often, but (totally blowing my own horn) I called just about anything that happened in this episode:
My first idea was that Liz had told Claudia about Phil wanting to defect or something similar to that. I actually hoped the guy picking up the kids would turn out to be something else (and he

That's precisely the effect it had on me. I was about to groan how predictable everything in this episode was and then Liz beats the shit out of Claudia and I could finally say, "Woah…I didn't see that coming!"…but it made perfect sense, because I also had predicted that she had talked about Phil and her reaction

Yeah, I would be out if they did that. I don't think it's that kind of show. I don't even think that they want you to think it might be that kind of show.

Martha did a lot of that on the phone, too. At one point I entertained the idea that someone else was in the room with her that she is making all of those faces to. Then I realized that person is supposed to be me.

The episode wants you to think about that, among other things. I don't feel like this is the kind of show, though. All along I took this subplot as a contrast to Phillip and Elizabeth. Just like Genevieve explained.

That's exactly what I did. Chanting, then cheering.