
Next to "The Leviathan", this was my favorite episode. 
And no, "M." is actually one of my least favorite episodes. I might be alone in that. I didn't like it. On the one hand, I am glad that Vinnie Jones is not Moriarty, as I don't see how he could fit. On the other hand, the Moriarty fake-out was too much like Red

"It was an interesting theory that Sherlock was a more effective investigator when he was high instead of sober, and even though we know that isn't true, it's easy to see why Rhys would believe that to be the case."
But you don't know. You would like to believe it. Thing is, what Holmes calls deductions is often just

SPN isn't what it used to be. And how could it be, it's in season 8! Most shows won't make it that far and it's still far from bad. It's not like Phil didn't rate four episodes this season with A-. That is more than I have to show for. I imagine there are enough sites with glowing reviews of SPN, because they are in

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Yeah, and Miller doesn't look older than Liu. How old did you think Gwen Stefani was? She was 20 in the 90's. Yeah, that's about two decades past, now. :D

Ah, I thought I remembered they exchanged identities when Emily was still in there. But that's nonsense, because back then she didn't have a plan for revenge, yet. When she got out, she still believed her father was guilty.

"And lastly, can we take a little time to appreciate the little scene between Ashley and Emily? Is that the first time they've been alone together this season? There was some nice and subtle hatred flowing between them that I really liked. "
Actually, I saw something like genuine remorse in Ashley's face. I can't

I am pretty sure I can speak for most of us when I say that no, we did not forget that. I doubt most of us cared much, though. It's a show and that made her a better character. Plus, the lead character is a psycho, too. Not murderous, but still.

You seem to be one of the few who don't like Nolan. I don't think his lines are delivered well all the time, but I didn't see a problem with that one.

I am fairly sure that thing didn't have a motor. And even if it did, Amanda wrestled Nate for the gun. If she had joined Jack on the boat, Nate could have shot them - or better yet, the boat - before she could get the motor running.

I will miss her for a while, but to be honest, I didn't see much of an alternative to this, unless it had to become either boring for her to be domesticated or too complicated to find ways for her to kick ass. 
She stole Emily's puppy love in front of our eyes and by now I guess most of us were fine with that. If you

Emily left Amanda in juvie. She said she'd come back for her, but never did. At least that's how I remember it? Ultimately, Amanda's death is Emily's "fault", but without all that Amanda would not have met Jack, so…

Ha, I love how he mumbles to sound American.

There definitely was this vibe that he meant what he was saying on some level. Amanda at one point tries harder to explain herself and the look on her face also changes. The entire scene was very well acted. And then Emily Van Camp joins and gives another of her great performances. It was pretty nice.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like there was a part to the mystery they didn't show? How did the scalpel get to him from there? I was pretty sure I had it all solved…

But you are right. I mean, Sherlock said so, himself: "More like a C…C+, at best." (When Joan asks about Drummond being Sherlock's ex.)

It was a little Alias reunion with her and Amy Acker in the same episode. Except…I think they never shared a season on that show?

I know it's still CBS, but…I felt insulted by that supposed-to-be-a-twist direction in that last scene. I could pick her out by voice, even if I had not seen her on the same show before…

He said "Another round?", which makes me think it is (at least initially) about the poker. But they could just move on to strip-poker and take it from there.

That is not what "trolling" is. "Trolling" is if you write/say something in order to bait others, disrupt discussion or spread disinformation.

She looks pretty much exactly that age. I don't know why so many people have such trouble telling someone's age. Yes, she is looking good, but she isn't looking young!