
Definitely my least favorite episode of the season. I came back to comment on this just because I had to say how out-of-character it was for Nolan to participate in this plan.
Sure, Aidan was the one shooting and he made sure to miss or it was blanks, I don't know…but how could they be sure that Helen wouldn't get hold

As far as I remember, she killed one person for the sake of her boy? I may not remember much.

I think they established that the Leviathans are now the Agents of the Purgatory Matrix?

I was very surprised to find myself becoming a fan of Jensen Ackles. I didn't like him at all on Smallville. Then Supernatural shows up and I think "Oh, that guy again…wait, he is good?"…he needs a comedic side to his role. His Smallville appearance was drama all the way. Although he is pretty good at drama. Hmm.

NO WAY either of those are better than Mystery Spot, Wishing Well or Yellow Fever.

I thought it might be a disaster going in, but it turned out to be an enjoyable episode. I don't know anything about LARPing, either. I am leaning more towards calling it silly. Although it really just depends on the execution and Dean being a LARPer makes perfect sense in his playful way.

Maybe he is Bobby's estranged (or long-lost) brother?

Are you saying I should not start to watch Being Human?

I am starting to think the actress might be better off without dialog. I agree, her last scene was the best she ever had on this show.

Agreed. There was nothing there. I have rarely seen so little chemistry and stilted dialog. It's like they didn't talk to each other, but to the camera. Seriously…what chemistry does Phil see there??

Maybe you should start grading episodes by enjoyment, not quality. And especially not quality on a global scale. I gave it a B-, because Amelia drags it down, as always.

Seriously, is this Nikita show any good? I was a fan of the original show (which paved the way for both Alias and 24), but only watched two or three episodes of the new one and couldn't get into it.

No. Stop it. No Kevin's mom and no Garth, please. At least not until he learned to close his mouth while eating…

I don't know…maybe because Dean wouldn't let Amy (not Amelia) and Sam be together?

(I know this is old, but the problem might still remain…)
Let's just be selfish and enjoy our little secret?

I mostly agree that Jackson was the weakest link, but I will say that he did his best work by far in season 5. His scenes opposite Torv and Noble improved throughout the seasons.

I think you have already listed all my favorite episodes. The recall to White Tulip was perhaps a bit overdone as symbology in the finale, but it's alright. If there is one episode you have to see for Torv on display, it's Entrada.

I don't really remember which episode was Bound, but basically, same for me. Around the half-way mark of season 1 I was ready to give up, but kept watching. There was a similar slump in season 2. But then those great episodes in the back half arrived and the finale…and season 3, that was the best the show has done for

Good explanation. I used to like all that, especially the chemistry. But the premiere was terrible and honestly, I thought the acting was the worst they had done, ever. 
Seeing as this is the damn premiere which should have more budget than the rest and it still looked incredibly cheap…I guess I am more of a visual

Actually, the woman in the middle had won me over this season. 
And the woman on the left may not live up to your standards, but she is a lot of fun to watch.