The Angry Internet

the TV route is nothing, I went the stage route:

the TV route is nothing, I went the stage route:

"No duh!" right?  Except there were plenty of UK and Japanese Nintendo-only magazines over the years — especially the N64 years — that derided games worse than EDGE or something!

"No duh!" right?  Except there were plenty of UK and Japanese Nintendo-only magazines over the years — especially the N64 years — that derided games worse than EDGE or something!

be fair, other "Project Reality" previews offered substantive images in the form of SGI workstation renders that were totally representative of what the games were gonna look like, really we swear!!!!!

be fair, other "Project Reality" previews offered substantive images in the form of SGI workstation renders that were totally representative of what the games were gonna look like, really we swear!!!!!

also The Comic Strip Presents: The Strike (with Peter Richardson as Al Pacino as Arthur Scargill) and GLC: The Carnage Continues (Robbie Coltrane as Charles Bronson as Ken Livingstone). A couple decades later they made Churchill: The Hollywood Years and ruined the joke by using actual Hollywood (semi-)stars (Christian

also The Comic Strip Presents: The Strike (with Peter Richardson as Al Pacino as Arthur Scargill) and GLC: The Carnage Continues (Robbie Coltrane as Charles Bronson as Ken Livingstone). A couple decades later they made Churchill: The Hollywood Years and ruined the joke by using actual Hollywood (semi-)stars (Christian

Tobias somehow neglected to mention that Martin Sheen narrated this. Make of that what you will.

Tobias somehow neglected to mention that Martin Sheen narrated this. Make of that what you will.

"The Jewish people do not exist. They did not exist before Hitler, and were a myth created entirely by his propagandists to cover up the fact that he killed 6,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses."

"The Jewish people do not exist. They did not exist before Hitler, and were a myth created entirely by his propagandists to cover up the fact that he killed 6,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses."

NBC's last hope: wall-to-wall curling coverage

NBC's last hope: wall-to-wall curling coverage

mine was "semper ubi sub ubi"

mine was "semper ubi sub ubi"


The Piano Teacher has a scene (not particularly pivotal, therefore ineligible for the Weekly List) where Huppert goes to a mall in Vienna and visits a porn shop (which has a completely solid black exterior). On the DVD interview Haneke says Americans are always surprised by that scene.

The Piano Teacher has a scene (not particularly pivotal, therefore ineligible for the Weekly List) where Huppert goes to a mall in Vienna and visits a porn shop (which has a completely solid black exterior). On the DVD interview Haneke says Americans are always surprised by that scene.

The National Expert Commission for Protecting Public Morality (a government agency) has not called for a ban. It has called a special session in response to a non-governmental organization's report criticizing various cartoons and calling for bans. (Said NGO is dubbed "Family Under the Protection of the Holy Virgin,"