
It's residual attitude from the 80's, when wealth was put above so much.

Then that has to be the best performance of his career then. "Ain't life a bitch?"

It's at least better or equal to Predator 2. Adrien Brody as the big heroic lead surprised me, since all I could think of him as up to that point was Rubby.

I'm kind of surprised Fox is willing to give this another chance. I liked Predators but figured that Prometheus signaled the end of both it and the Alien franchise.

Why? He could do something really cool with it.

Yeah, but it's not like everyone has become a prude either. I'm squeamish when it comes to horror, but even I thought the gore for the last several seasons was rather lame. I'm sure the experts feel the same.

It was a joke about how much vampire sex is on the show. Nothing to do with the lungs directly.

They made a big mistake killing him off when they did, and even how they did it was rather limp. Eric kills the guy who slayed his human family and it's basically forgotten soon after.

Would have much rather it been him playing air-slap bass.

And if you go back as early as the pilot (Sookie picking up the young gay kid thinking about what a dump this is), the real basic fundamental premise is how the show mirrors how much Alan Ball hates the south.

Last I checked humans were vulnerable to it too.

A town full of rational humanist/agnostics would still think she's a whore.

Keep on fooling yourself man.

The physiology is kind of interesting. Their lungs are still functioning (aside from their genitalia) as they can obviously talk. Smoking doesn't seem too far a step.

Me too. I stuck around for Treme and True Detective, but I'm kind of HBO'd out. From what I'm seeing, it appears that Netflix is pushing what they started even further, but not using the more extreme end of it (sex) as a crutch like this show has for at least the last 3 seasons.

I decided to sit this one out, not an easy decision (if you take away more rational reasons like financial consideration) because reading these reviews and comments were always a nice cleanse from the stupidity.

2000? I thought it was much more recent than that.

All caught up on Orange Is The New Black. No spoilers but I am ready for S3.

I would not be surprised if what we end up with is just a remake of that. Universal own the film so it would just be that easy.

Marmalade, I like marmalade…*eggs and bacon cooking in background*