
It could be done rather corny or more earnest and real, but the story of how Journey found their latest lead singer would make a good movie (that Wahlberg Rock Star nonsense aside). Juxtaposing 3 or 4 American guys who live in relative wealth with a talented guy who's from a third-world country would probably be

Maybe they can just use 5 second clips of songs, and declare it fair use?

I'd watch a film that supposes what would have happened if Charles Manson joined.

The same solution was applied for the more recent film about Hendrix too. I don't think it would work as well here because they stopped putting out covers mid-way through their career.

That music is going to be stuck in my head all weekend, isn't it?

I always joke that the Wheel contestants are really just people on Jeopardy! who lose so badly with a negative figure they have to win it back or otherwise enslaved to the Sony game show lot forever.

I bet the majority of it had to do with that stupid ear.

I had a nice 3-CD stereo of theirs for years and years.

That was a pretty good soda.

Yep. Sometimes it's good to be just TV, not HBO. Not a slight on True Detective by any means but Fargo felt far more engrossing (not to mention far more humorous) than a lot of TV I've seen.

True, but he'd probably suck at Judo.

No the call he made from the bathroom? Unless that was just a decoy, though it could have been both.

Because of Lester's 911 call?

Only begins to appear in Season 4 you mean right?

There's a song on that album "Cherie", that the only way I can describe it is if Neil Diamond took over for Robert Plant on Led Zeppelin III.

Bad News Brown is dead too.

Very disappointed this wasn't the first comment. And Space Mountain is still open for business.

His bass-playing gestures were pretty classic. Him alone just playing the bass made me laugh.