Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Shit, that's what the "Fly" episode was missing… a laugh track!

I promise you'll regret a facebook account.

For the sake of humanity,
I hope people don't actually get emails for everyone that responds to a post.

It's not hard to believe the 2004 DNC was between the Jr. Senator from Massachusetts, a one term Senator from North Carolina, and the former Governor of Vermont. I guess people know it's just too hard to beat an incumbent. Bush I didn't really even want a 2nd term and Jimmy Carter was a walking fuck-up. Those are the

I definitely feel this season goes deeper into the life of a New York comedian. There was nothing last season about talking to his manager, accountant, or having these "godfather" type meetings with comedians like Dane Cook or Joan Rivers. If last season was meant to be a tip of the iceberg, this season goes much

Blader Runner: Rise of the of the
In 3-D!

The Halloween episode of NBC's The Office actually would have made a better pilot
It introduces everyone quite well.

Three Men and a Little Lady

Snuggies: The Movie!
Snuggies: The Movie!

haha, I just noticed that.

They're missing the most obvious one
Air Bud went from a perfectly reasonable film about a dog that played on a middle school basketball team to this:

What's not funny about a comic living out of his car for a a year, coming out to his penultimate comedy show of his life wishing to be addressed as "Shitty Fat Tits"?

You think you're the only writer who can give me that Mad Men feeling?
I've got twenty writers under contract that I can ask for a Mad Men-like thing from!

He's building a REALLY shitty time machine. In that, in one week, it's one week later.

Bruce Willis was dead
the whole time…

GOB's dare marriage superfluous?
I think not.

Hint: there's no markable difference between supermarkets.

Work It
A little too subtle for my taste.

holy shit

Sponsored by Fuddruckers? Probably.