
I've watched it so many times. I ate, breathed, slept and lived The Wall in high school (the slept part is literal, I fell asleep listening to it on my headphones approximately every night for two years - those nights I didn't fall asleep listening to Holy Wood. I said this before quite recently, not sure why I turned

Since the last couple days I get them only capriciously. I haven't figured out what the rule is yet. It seems like maybe I'm only getting them for direct in-line replies but not @ replies but I'm not positive. That really sucks because it removes the entire point of @ reply capability. I used to get @ reply

I really, really like facial hair on guys. Not, like, the church father beard, or the variations of stereotypical Brooklyn hipster-y facial hair as performance art, but I am really into the scruffy unshaven look, 5 o'clock shadow, etc. I don't find it at all aversive, exfoliatory etc. for any type of activity. I have

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus You have piercings? I feel like I have to revise my entire image of you. This is really weird to me for some reason.

I know what it means, but I don't know why. I always say "bottle opener" and would never think of calling it a church key. I'm born and bred in the Northeast.

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus I had a really humiliating emergency room experience. I overdosed on Vicodin (I was doing it recreationally, but not trying to kill myself) and spent the entire next day throwing up. I couldn't drink or eat anything (I managed to eat some chicken soup, then ended up

My feeling about The Lost City of Z is that the narrative style mimics its subject matter in that the book derails, becomes aimless and loses its object toward the end. I can't discount it totally though because of the very small possibility that it is on purpose.

I read it at least ten years ago but I thought it wasn't that great.
One fantastic, outstanding, can't recommend highly enough book about the Irish-American experience is All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald (whom I have met and spoken with!). It's about Boston, but it's so great. He's a really cool guy and his other


Yeah, this strikes me as another example of people not being able to understand statistics, in which comparing the number of people killed by bicycles versus motorcycles a year is utterly meaningless without knowing the per mile rate.

Does anyone think the advice to the engineering student is fucking terrible? I don't want to sound all legalistic and uptight (also, I'm no saint - I work at a university and have definitely engaged in ethically questionable behavior with students, except I'm their age and female, and I don't have personal influential

I keep forgetting about taxes. Fuck. Last year I actually made enough money to file. I haven't for several years and before that, social security randomly decided to change my birthday to two days later than it is, so I actually couldn't file. I got it fixed a while ago but, as said, haven't made enough to file until

I have surprisingly never heard this joke and, even more surprisingly, want to.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus My foremost point is that I don't think Rabin is actually describing her as an MPDG. To me, what he wrote is sort of an elliptical way of saying "If she were a character in a movie, you might think she's an MPDG, but interestingly, she's a real person." To use a ridiculously elevatory

Speaking of something you can or cannot truly have, I've watched the scene where Ginsberg pitches that line to Don approximately twenty times.

It's the uncanny valley. I have a huge puppet phobia. I have a kind of over-pronounced sense of the uncanny valley and I also have a phobia of/revulsion toward monkeys and dolls.

I actually disagree. I think it can be relevant in a context in which you would be accusing someone of affecting personality elements in order to be regarded in a certain way. I think it'd be more relevant to describing an adolescent or young adult, someone who is kind of putting on disingenuous affectations. I agree

I didn't realize they weren't until I read this comment.

My point was that it's a comedy that has only one good joke, so I think it's the opposite of the "you had to be there" effect.

I would watch the shit out of a real Pineapple Express sequel. It's one of the best recent comedies I've seen that I can think of. It strikes the absolute perfect balance between violence and comedy in terms of suspension of disbelief/being emotionally invested in the characters.