
I was excited for that but it really sucked. There's one really good joke in it ("I think he molested my brother"). I think it legitimately had a good premise but was executed in the most juvenile way imaginable and it went for the obvious joke every time.

Any sentence that needs to include the qualifier "as abhorrent as Hitler's legacy remains" is probably a sentence you should rethink.

I like the "to" in the sense of being an indirect object.
In the literal sense you mentioned (building a pipeline from oneself to another) Rihanna would still be in the accusative case, not an indirect object, because she would be the destination, or place-to-which. But I guess "in" would be the most literal.

I love the books too. I kind of thought that I would be overcome by emotion, but it actually manages to be sweet and nice without being overly touching or nostalgic for the most part, which is probably good for the sake of any adults viewing.

Yeah, I felt the same way. Jesse James is my favorite movie of all time and Killing Them Softly was largely unmemorable except for its last line. Specifically, I seem to be constitutionally incapable of remembering its title.

My pop culture highlight was that I went to see the musical "A Year With Frog and Toad" which was put on by undergrads at the university I work at. It was seriously wonderful. I hadn't known it was a musical, actually. My mom and I went and it was also the first real spring day here so seemed really perfect and

I do too, Craig.

Yeah, it's part of the bystander effect, where I don't feel like I should have to do it, but nobody else does either, but also I try very hard not to do any more than my fair share of cleaning so as not to perpetuate sexist tropes.

My major accomplishment of the week was achieved just now. I scrubbed, mopped, cleaned and bleached the linoleum kitchen floor of a college apartment (occupied by three male undergraduates plus me), whose floor was not previously cleaned since May 2012. It is now shiny. It took one hour and twenty minutes. I'm very

I saw that in front of a trailer last week. That shit drives me fucking crazy. Not in my book it's an accepted alternate spelling.

Track is the sport of intellectuals! It's by far the most prestigious sport at University of Chicago, where I went, which says a lot. As such I have a huge complex about not being able to run.

Those are both incredibly awesome. Do you read Russian well enough to like read it-read it or is it a project? I know Russian at about the project level but I've never attempted a full novel.

No, block his number. Or just don't reply to texts. I speculate that he asked you for your number because he could not bring himself to issue a noise complaint in person, and wanted to do so via text.

Yeah, I heard it on the radio earlier and was quite shocked.

Did he mention A Tribe Called Quest by name? I'm guessing no, but if so, interesting.

I feel exactly the same way. I don't understand why anyone buys anything that you can rent or get out of the library. I also like the experience of having to go get it. I feel the same way about books, but I do own a bunch of books (I have a couple bookshelves' worth, but it still seems like the bare minimum to me,

Oh yeah!! I can't believe I forgot to mention it. It's not so much Lee's exact personality, but her descriptions of exactly what people's interactions mean and how she notices everything. She spells out all the things that we think but can't imagine that anyone else ever notices in exactly the same way. The scene

No kidding. As such I am perplexed by all these other sentiments.

I definitely related to it, but the problem with Ghost World, and Bored To Death, and all the art where you make these magical connections with people outside the confines of reality, is that it's not real. That doesn't happen in real life. You can't really fall into a secret world where you belong. That's why The

I just watched the entire run of it from November through January. I think I'm about your age and yeah I relate to it a scary amount. I really want to get married and have kids, not exactly right now, but ideally sometime in the next five years, but I am really scared it won't happen, and the show isn't very helpful