
I had this with both The Wall and The Final Cut. I listened to The Wall on headphones while I was falling asleep approximately every night for at least two years (Given this, I don't know why I turned out as normal as I have). I lived and breathed The Wall and The Final Cut is a great part II to it. And yeah, I loved

I feel this way about basically everything I like. A few that jump out at me: The Alcoholic(My life is nothing like Jonathan Ames's, and I've never approached such a level of drinking, but I just really, really related to it), relatedly, Bored To Death; Repeat After Me by Rachel DeWoskin (I was just saying in a book

It's from Gene Simmons's autobiography.

This is the place I tell that anecdote I’m obligated to share whenever KISS is mentioned: That Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley once had a contest to see how long they could go without showering and still get head from groupies, and the contest ended when a groupie vomited spaghetti all over Ace Frehley’s crotch,

I feel exactly the same way. Moonrise Kingdom and Darjeeling Limited are nice, but they lack the same emotional depth as Bottle Rocket or Royal Tenenbaums or Rushmore. I am not in the least someone to be deterred by excessive style, but style alone isn't enough to make the movie. It's not that they have no depth, it's

Do people really still say Trixies? It took me forever to understand what it meant. I thought it was a thing of the 90's only.

I agree. I was there in July, it is truly, truly gorgeous. I went to a bunch of different Eastern European cities this past summer but Budapest was probably the most beautiful.

Chewing and spitting is a real eating disorder behavior practice. I never did it but a lot of people do. It's in the same spectrum as bulimia.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Ah, okay. This all makes sense. I forgot about the existence of brokers. Also after I posted my comment (like way after, when I was in the shower or something, clearly I should spend less time thinking about the AV Club when I'm away from my computer) I felt like it was

Yes, I rave about it in every article that mentions DC Pierson. I love, love, love that book. I've probably exhausted all the original things I have to say about it elsewhere on the AV Club, but it captures the heartbreak of growing up so perfectly (not to diminish what the plot is actually about, it has a really

It is noooooooot. Ghostwriter is one of my top ten songs of all time.

Me too.

Wow. I've listened to the Ghostface version so many times that it just sounds bizarre and disjointed to me here. I'd never seen the trailer before - it's not too bad.

I just ate the end of a jar of peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon, at my desk, staying at work for forty unnecessary minutes because I lack the energy to get up and leave. (I love peanut butter, but I almost never do that and it always makes me feel gross afterwards.) Yuck.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus How is it possible to spend that much money moving from one part to a different part of Brooklyn? Like, literally in moving expenses? Did you rent a gold plated U-haul? Or accidentally kill someone by dropping your couch on him and have to pay his family $8,000 in blood

I started rereading Repeat After Me which is one of my favorite books in the entire world (by Rachel DeWoskin). It's one of those books that just makes me want to cry because of how perfectly it expresses my thoughts and feelings even though the plot doesn't bear a very strong relation to things I've experienced. Like

Yeah, I agree. Even though you (general you, not just you right now) are obsessing 24/7 about this thing you did (which is exactly how I feel, now, too) nobody else is thinking about it that much. Other people really don't think about you that much, they are thinking about themselves. (E.g. my friend I broke it off

Thanks. Yeah you are totally right, moving on and not looking back is the only way to go. Ugh, though, the first thing I could have done differently, way back in September, is not said "Yeah, that's probably not me" in response to him saying he was looking for a girlfriend. Sigh.

I get the feeling this may describe a lot of AVC dudes.

I admittedly like it too, but not for forever. It also doesn't quite provide enough illumination to not maybe trip on the stairs in the dark. I think we will leave it up for a while though.