Son of Now See Here

What self respecting dude hangs out on a well lit plain when there's a dark cave filled with shit that's on fire he stand in?

Someone should be killed over this.

I don't want to look at poor Brendan. It's depressing.

I kinda think for all the surface bits it borrows from Souls, the actual combat itself is a very different creature, being built more about keeping the aggression going as fluidly as possible. Obviously a lot of ninja gaiden DNA in there.

So who's next for the whole ironic reinvention thing?

Everyone in the upper management of Ikea comes from a single village. Also a lot of the older ones were Nazi's back when this was optional.

Fuck off with that. The way in which shifting media models and the rise of the personal blogging style as the default voice incentivized heightened emotional rhetoric and the emergence of people whose only politics is pop culture, something no more evident than in half the writing about last goddamn US election, may

That's kind of the thing though. It's not 'Maybe let women wear decent armor'. Because, bluntly, that conversation was pretty much going the same way before and was nowhere near as heated.

I am still not sure what the hell I watched to fill my recommended videos with those.

That's the interesting thing about it. As ugly as it was, it wasn't even a particularly large amount. It's just they knew how to game social media and also the nascent discovery that if you yell directly at media people really aggressively, because so many of them treat social media as their work space, they freak

I think everyone just got dumber. The conversation didn't really change but the way the conversation went got strange.

The 2010's has been the first generation of progressives to not actually manage to successefully marginalize Nazi's in over 70ish years. It's kind of bizarre.

Gamers are positively sedate compared to the quiet horror of YA fandom. Or the slightly louder horror that emerges if you publically bring up the quiet horror.

I seriously blame Video Games blowing up as a culture phenom at around the point when online culture started getting really, really stupid. There's this strange intersection of pop culture and politics that has produced some of the absolute worst people on the internet, regardless of political stripe, and nowhere do

Yeah. It's a dumb joke that you really shouldn't make if your brand is that big but declaring this guy some sort of Nazi as opposed to a garden variety idiot seems a bridge too far.

He wanted some of that sweet Tom Arnold attention.

There's probably a solid market in niche stuff people that doesn't lend itself to websites

As a child I was terrified of the the covers of Laserblast and Ghoulies.

Shit. That's honestly kind of depressing.

I'm not downing on you so much as that this sort of thing is news now.