
Oh boy, I cannot believe I am reading this on an AV Club board. Since this is so unbelievable, I think I pose a real question:

This tactic will not prove terribly effective on this one since it is free. Okay idea for the future though.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I make my own patter. Just ring it up with the dong tea.

I thought that was a little odd too. I remember reading those back when they came out. Come to think of it, I was about 13 at the time.

Right there with you gang. Just wikied Walt. I also fell into Blah's category (can we name this? TV geekery? Audiovisual?), though my cursory (and always increasing) comic knowledge let me in on the DC multiverse and Hellblazer jokes.

Not sure if this is necessary, but given that most of the Prestige praise has been of the > variety, I thought I would quickly weigh in. Karnak - I barely made it through Illusionist the first time, where Prestige is constantly revealing new things. Illusionist seemed like all pretty surfaces, but Nolan always digs

Ummm…no. The joke was that he can't accept bribes. So they would send the suits to his wife instead.

You have to remember though that the Pele and Maradona references didn't come from Charles and he seemed to just be humoring Andy and Stanley by talking about them.

This is exactly how I want my Kenneth. They take the bumpkin thing too far by making the same joke every week. Seeing exasperated Kenneth is always good and seeing him grow a spine was even better. Topping it all off with a happy ending? Perfection.

Can't post a new comment so I'll hijack this thread. Great to have Todd on board here! I've been enjoying your Lost write-ups over at House Next Door and am looking forward to them here. I'm not caught up on In Treatment yet (they're sitting on my DVR), but it's good to know I'll have this to look forward to when I

How about Strummer AND Cash on Redemption Song? Musical heaven.

I still remember my friend and I travelling through Europe shortly after Hedberg passed. Apparently the Europeans do not maintain their escalators very well (or don't care to turn them on) so we very frequently met with escalators that were not moving. To which my friend would inevitably reply, "Escalator

Okay - that came off harsher than I meant. I just feel that putting too much focus on the sled leads to overly literal interpretations of the film and the inevitable letdown from people expecting too much from it. But to each his own.

As much as I am loathe to continue this discussion Trash (as I made my point above) I will clarify what was apparently unclear to you earlier. I get it. We all get it. The sled, what it means, etc. My point was that there is much more to Kane and the movie than a sled. The movie as much as says so.

Amen to this. Truman Show does not get enough love (Is it a Carrey thing?) Though, like most other things, it's so tied up for me in past memories that I don't think I would want to approach it fresh. I was in high school when it came out and I think that is a great age to see it. I still get a little emotional

Going to have to strongly disagree with you there Trash. Through all the other characters we learn a lot about your supposedly "just a powerhungry businessman". A lot of my favorite parts don't even involve Kane - "Anyone can make a lot of money if that's all they want", the story about the girl. Feel free to keep

Couple of things about this:

Put me in the camp of strong disagreement (I hope). Darlton has always maintained that there is one timeline and they would not engage in anything that would invalidate what has already happened (a la Heroes). I'm thinking that Ben just never gives away his hand.

I'm with you Steffs. I was just waiting for the gun to jam or something. I think the writers just love fucking with us. But it's such a great ride, who can complain?

As I was working my way through the Angel series, I LOVED the TWOP recaps. They were pretty consistently hilarious and reasonably insightful. Having enjoyed them so much I checked out recaps for other shows I enjoy. Then I found the eyeball searing, faux-profound rantings of one Jacob about my beloved BSG. I tried