
Exactly, Nuke! That is what I was thinking the whole time. Hit Pause!! Rewind the thing!! I thought, maybe they don't have DVR (shockingly I know a couple people who don't), but then they mention that they had it. ARGH!!

Looks nice in the pic. The last few days the mobile site that was popping up was pretty crude, so this is definitely a step up.

I'm still reading, but this latest arc is not doing it for me. I really enjoyed the Fray arc and as Keith mentions, Dracula was pretty great. The latest arc is a 5 month long setup for what I hope will be a great finish.

"My birthday's September 22nd. Not that anybody's asking"

Absolutely agreed that some of these would make better TV series. In can't decide if Identity Crisis would be better in movie or mini-series format, but I think it could be great in another format. And how about Y: The Last Man as a full blown series?

I downloaded Carol Brown and Hurt Feelings and can't get enough of them. Wish I could download Too Many Dicks and the Epileptic Dog song.

There's also the fact that it is extremely risky. Would you want to put your memories, personality, and entire self in the hands of these people? What if you just wanted to add an ability and they instead turned you into an active? Not sure that's a risk I would be willing to take.

Shut up and deal

This comment was a bit upstream, but Adm Naismith, you are way off base on Eternal Sunshine. The movie isn't about "mooning over your one true love". The idea is that all relationships have good and bad and you can't lose one without the other. The great thing about the ending is whether the question of whether

I cannot even say how much I love Eternal Sunshine (as you can see from my moniker). I remember seeing it and being borderline obsessed. I went on Spring Break the next week and spent the whole week wanting to see it again. The sum up above is pretty solid. The anguish and joy that love brings. The way it touches

Completely agree that episode 4 really stepped things up. Dispense with the mystery about who killed the wife, Purcell flips - very interesting developments. Murphy, my guess is that it's all a package deal. The wife killing and the testimony being dropped plus money. Purcell probably pulled Patty in because he

I'm also perplexed by a couple things. First, who is this David Wolinsky character? And second, has he ever seen a foreign film? Because I gotta say that compared to a lot of movies I've seen in my lifetime, There Will Be Blood was thrill a minute. Now, if I had spent my lifetime watching mainstream American

I completely agree Chrissy. I laughed pretty hard through this episode. Sure the A-story was weak and we all knew that Michael would have regrets (though it was a slight twist that he went through with it). But the best Stanley moment ever, Oscar's TWO great moments (the dissection of the face and his comment near

Double the fun
Are we getting Inventories in the middle of the week now too? If so, that is awesome but where do you guys find the time. Are there some new writers hanging around? How do I join in?

Agreed on the episode. I was similarly disappointed by the lack of tuneage. Here's hoping that it was just a getting things in place episode.