The Flyin Hawaiian

For the record, 'More', which Mr. Loaf didn't know had been recorded before, is indeed the Sisters of Mercy song that Steinman wrote with Andrew Eldritch. On this record they do it as a kind of 90s industrial-rock thing. It doesn't work.

That's a deep cut of Meat Loaf.

TMBG are well-served by compilations: Then and Dial-a-Song are all the average music nerd really needs.

Resolved: Pump, pump, pump it up

That neither George Clinton nor Gang of Four's Andy Gill could get a good album out of RHCP does not speak well for the band.

In case there was any doubt, we can now confirm that J.K. Rowling never attended a party at an American University between 1983 and 1996.

For your consideration: the joy of Rob Base

The thing my D+ students can't seem to find until 2 hours before their semester project is due

RIP Duh Duh Duh Man.

I hate to say this but this story is far more interesting and insightful than Nabin's work on the Juggalos

Chemlab are getting back together? Urgh. A Non-Aggression Pact reunion has got to be right around the corner.

I think challenges need to go in baseball and football. I'd rather have the occasional blown call than 10-15 minutes per game of referees/umpires staring at replay screens and waiting for a call from New York.

Yeah, the demo version of 'Violent Mood Swings'. It was pretty good. Why they decided to rock out afterward is beyond me.

Why do the two guys on the left look like they were photoshopped in?

I'm hostile to this because at the dawn of time, societies who listened to bullshit just-so stories died out, while societies that rejected such stories and actually studied the physical world and the cultures around them thrived. So evolution has taught us to be skeptical of evolutionary psychology.

Also, where TED speakers do all their research.

I'm curious: you seem hung up on Alex being a professor: in your original missive you use the odd locution 'This professor' twice to refer to Alex; elsewhere you use 'this academic'. I don't think you call him by name, which is odd because he's not a professor; he taught as a grad student, and he doesn't identify as

A. "I don't know what Hillary stands FOR, you know?"

My god man, as like five people already told you on this thread, nobody is advocating censorship here, and this is not a free speech issue! If you want to concern troll, hand-wring, or utilize your Fainting Couch because some people argue that it might be best for Fallon to not book politicians on his show, it's your