
Combo is terrifying. As soon as he's introduced the movie's tone takes on a creeping dread, and you know it's all going to end terribly eventually, and you're just hoping it will be quick. Great movie and a ton of great performances, especially Graham.

Skinheads certainly knew how to ruin a good show back in the late '80s/early '90s. I do not miss that shit.

I do think it started that way to some degree, but that it's also evolved into a nastier beast with time. I might also lay some blame at the feet of modern reality TV (particularly the Real Housewives variety) which has repeatedly re-enforced the idea that the absolute MOST important thing in my life should be the

It is very rare that something actually makes me happy that I'm over 40 and struggling to remain even somewhat topical. GamerGate has been a complete success in that regard!

Hey Skillinger! Got a job for you….

Box of frogs!

'Member the duke boy 'cousins' Coy and Vance, that came in for a year during contract troubles? That's alright, nobody else does either. Also, I love the idea that 'Coy' and 'Vance' are good ol' country boy names.

The great majority of stereotypical male MMA fans probably also spent some years of their lives regularly putting on some form of stockings, and showering in the company of several other naked dudes, in order to chase around some sort of ball….just like most of us probably did, at one time or another. MMA really isn't


Many crulllers and buttermilk bars knew what it was to be roasted in the Slor on that day, I can tell you!

I love the 2-3 shots we get every week of Alexander with his mouth agape, just staring off into space, and taking like 30 seconds to blink.


Grinchmaster B? I love his work.

I've previously put way too much time into considering this question. I'd want my UFC walkout music to be (Flipper cover) 'Sacrifice' by the Melvins. It starts with a good minute of audience-punishing feedback, and then some appropriately agitating lyrics.

Yuh. There was a time where I (and probably everybody else) REALLY wanted to hate Matthew Lillard, but although he was always seemingly trying to suck the attention right out of you, he never did anything that was actually offensive enough to push me over the hump, always seems to be the bright spot in bad films, and

It seems at least worth noting that the particulars of that "Utopia" show don't seem particularly Utopian. Instead of building a conflict-ridden society of diametrically opposed douchebags, they should've assembled several teams of like-minded delusional assholes and had them each build their own competing

Ophelia, I'm taking you to the loony bin. Then I'm going to the brewery.

Almost more than anything else, the casting in Southland Tales is so batshit insane it's hard for me to believe it wasn't done intentionally. It's not like odd character actors in roles they aren't accustomed to, it was the Rock, and Stiffler, and Buffy, and Timberlake, and like 5 SNL players from the '80s…and Will

I feel like their should be some more love for the El Rey network on the AVClub, and just in general. Though, I dunno what I'm really expecting. "The Director's Chair" has been awesome, their selection of B-movies is first rate, and all the Shaw Brother's kung-fu makes me giddy. I must admit that I haven't been brave

This album really was one degree away from greatness, in my personal opinion….I think there's almost too much energy to it. Compared to their debut, and Fun House, which lurch along menacingly, staring at you from across the street, Raw Power just wants to stick you in the ribs with a jailhouse shiv, over and over.