
Fatboy Slim is fucking in heaven…

I still have scads of those K-Tel records—some of them were quite good, especially when you get into the 80's. I have one that has Prince, Skyy, Human League, The Dazz Band and Hall and Oates on it. But on some of the earlier ones they used to cram so many songs on a side that the quality suffered, and when you get

Every dance at my school ended with 'Stairway to Heaven' until 'Sweet Child O' Mine' came out. I don't know why I ever went (something to do, I guess), but I used to hang out with the freaks on the wall until they played one or the other of the bones they used to toss us—'Rock Lobster', 'Blister in the Sun', or if we

Green Day are like the Jam or Buzzcocks—they've always had a strong sense of Pop and killer hooks. That's what made them popular, and that's why Punks had it in for them.

What band Willmmmm? And was it the good old swinging Go-Go or the relentless Chunka-chunk the kids are into nowadays?

I remember making a rare trip back to Dayton in '99 or so, and revisting old haunts—among them the 1470's relocated from Dorothy Lane to downtown, but very much the same in most respects: A Gay dance club with Alternative Thursdays. What that meant was loads of what had come to be known as goths moping around to

I think the "cookie" slang association with the vagina probably goes back to the blues era. I seem to vaguely remember something gutbucket about stealing cookies from a jar. It's no jelly roll, of course, but it's not that far from Ciara's 'Goodies' which also come in a jar.

There's so much good stuff in that Nuggets series—The Standells, The Sonics, The Seeds—It's like the gold standard of compilations.

Check my record, Pheeze—I'm all about linguistic flexibility and descriptivism. Dictionaries are useful snapshots of usage, but they tend to ossify meaning and imply standardization. Language is liquid—it seeks its own level and fills whatever container you pour it into.

Jimi Hendrix did cut a decent song with proto-rapper Lightnin' Rod called 'Ms. Doriella DuFontaine', so there is that.

"you mean"knuckleheads" in an affectionate way, right?" Always. (And everyone who knows me knows I'm partial to calling the guy "Colonel" West.)

I did say it was a mistake—that was not sarcasm—but I think discounting her out of hand for that reason is also a mistake. I mean, you wouldn't disregard Cornell West because of his 8-ball afro and jive affectations, would you? Okay, don't answer that…But avoiding these critics for not using only standardized Western

Clearly if bell hooks has made one mistake in her career it was choosing to de-emphasize any egoism about her own name by eschewing punctuation in her pen-name—thereby giving all you knuckleheads a superficial, cosmetic reason never to take her seriously.

There is a difference between not being Feminist and being anti-Feminist.

I think the implication is that the wearer is not wearing pants underneath them—but sure, if it makes you feel better, you are technically right, but the phrase is still funny as a pun.

Forget 'My Last Duchess'—Browning's 'Pophyria's Lover' is even worse. But Browning also wrote 'Fra Lippo Lippi'. So he's excused.

Why 'Family Guy' in my mind is always better than the one on TV
'The Simpsons' episode left me cold overall, but I was really struck by how half-assed 'The Family Guy' was last night. For one thing, they've done the Stewie in drag bit before, and even referenced 'Tootsie' in the process. Second, they blew the

When I say "imagined slight" I'm not talking about actual mindgames but outright stalkerism. The slight in question in many cases is just not being interested in the guy singing the song which usually gets translated into some permutation of stuck up bitch by the end of the song. And while some may reflect real

You know he did more than touch on it!

Also as I mentioned elsewhere, check out 'The Au Pairs':
They were doing for Feminism what The Gang of Four was doing for Karl Marx at about the same time.