
All double entendres aside, I once dated a woman who couldn't stand pie. I don't mean she didn't like pie, or preferred cake—it was like a full blown pathology. She would literally cringe at the very mention.

In the DC area there are about a thousand Five Guys now and the food varies a lot from location to location. Supposedly the best one is somewhere in Northern Virginia—I went to it once when I was dating someone who lived in the area but it wasn't better or worse than the one near me off of Rt. 29 which is damn good.

"way fewer people in Japan smoke"

Geez, Stacy, what'd I ever do to you? Guess I'll have to try commenting cuter.

'The Big Night'
Never watch it on an empty stomach.

Hell, I'd still love to "get" Tootie.

"Seinfeld at least portrayed friendships and people who werent nice to each other, y'know, like real life?"

For X-mas this year I gave my 13-year-old nephew a disc with a bunch of perfect "albums" on it, in the interest of propagating the idea (otherwise unknown to him) that there was such a thing once upon a time as a collection of songs that cohered into a whole that was greater than the sum of its parts. No word

Good For Them!
I've always said 'Dark Side' should only ever be listened to from start to finish, and then only while watching the first third of 'The Wizard of Oz' (but what do you put on for the rest of the movie? ELO's 'El Dorado'? Seriously—I have a drug trip or two that need a reasonable finish…).

If I could, I would have linked to the superior opening scene set to Peter Gabriel's 'Rhythm of the Heat'—but as melodramatic as that gas station scene was, the episode was aired on network television in 1985. Portraying a realistically nuanced and conflicted reaction to homosexuality on an otherwise macho cop show

If I had to put money on a decent anime adaptation of 'Little Nemo' it'd be Satoshi Kon.

Oh, Ricin—if only we lived in a world where all the things we get up in arms about were reasonable. But then, if the bone of contention were reasonable, we would never get up in arms would we?

Dawn Wells (who played Mary Anne) wrote a memoir some years back and did a book tour to support it. When she came to our store, it was a huge event—peopled mostly by middle aged stalkers who all share a secret fetish for red gingham.

Airbag—Of course, Tricia Cast—but given all the enthusiasm for 'Arrested Development', I'm surprised there's not more made of Jason Bateman's work on that show. I'd say the two part 'Dregs of Humanity' episode is worth a write up.

I'm sorry, Claude—did you miss the implied IMHO that so often goes without saying?

Vis-a-vis 'A Head in the Polls':

There's no accounting for taste but I can think of at least four shows I'd omit from that list.

That's true—and it implies a great deal, which I think plants some of the seeds for the creepy feeling we get when he's alone with Sally. But one of the things I love about how the show unfolds is that there is no evidence for molestation, and the relationship between Grampa Gene and Sally appears to be the only one

I got ya, mad—I'm a die-hard descriptivist because I think it's the living dynamic of English that makes it so great, but I still have my pet peeves about linguistic laziness, lack of clarity, and a general willingness to accept jargon or journalistic shorthand over specificity. I think the tug of war you describe is

I think it was Japanese.