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    This same organization, Florida Family Association, was apparently successful in getting advertisers to abandon Degrassi on Teen Nick. How are advertisers stupid enough to think any middle aged conservative Christians watch Degrassi? A boycott by an organization like this is totally useless since they aren't watching

    Good to see. There should be consequences for this level of stupidity. Their site makes the PTC seem tame

    Its been said before but I think it is a mortal lock that Estes is the mole or perceived to be the mole. I don't see how Carrie is going to get back in the loop without that happening. I still have my doubts that he (David Estes) is the mole but I think he has to end up being the guy who is considered the mole. Maybe

    Limitless was one of the few movies where immediately after watching it I had to go look up the director. I think it was a bit overdone at times but it was so damn stylish.

    Pineapple Express is up there among the best mainstream comedies of the last ten years to me. I love that movie. That said "Your Highness" (directed by David Gordon Green) is one of the worst movies I've seen this year. My guess is The Sitter is more like Your Highness than Pineapple Express

    If Brody tried to come out and talk about his experiences he would be painted as a nut job who has lost his mind not some hero. His change in mindset would only be accepted by the fringes of society

    "I could stay here with her"
    "Are you kidding?"

    The best thing by far on TV tonight is going to end up being that Bronco's game. Tebow. Tebow. Tebow. Probably one of the most exciting sporting events (the 4th Quarter & OT at least) since the NBA Playoffs.

    Does that stand for The Killing?

    I only saw the clip on Gawker and it looked really compelling. I wish I had more context into it but it was mesmerizing. The host was a total jack ass though. This girl is in tears and he goes "Nicole anything you want to say?"

    The Ben Affleck/Russel Crowe version was actually quite decent. And Jason Bateman killed it in his ten minutes of screen time in a totally out of character role

    Examples of Sandler caring: Punch Drunk Love, Funny People, and Spanglish.

    No I'm not angry. Its just absolutely ridiculous to say they are both just as bad. Its like comparing a guy who gropes a woman on accident to a serial rapist. Sure both of them made mistakes but one is far far worse.

    I have to give you props for your false equivalency. Yes CNN is just as bad as Fox News. What an idiot

    No that is the arabic agent. I don't remember his name. Estes is the black guy who is Saul's boss.

    The scene with the Jazz music was painful. I felt so uncomfortable for Carrie and just wished she would turn the damn music off. I thought Brody was going to go back in when he paused in the car. I almost wish he did too.

    Was Congressman Johnson entrapped by Abu Nazir? That is the only way he could open up a seat for Brody.

    Yeah that was ridiculous. The yum yum yum. So was the "I LOVE COCK!"

    The mole has to be Estes. I highly doubt its Saul. Its not Carrie. It has to be Estes or the arabic agent.

    I have no respect whatsoever for "reclaimed virgins". One of the most irritating things in the world. Kind the same as the girl who will blow anyone but is "saving" herself