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    An Oscar isn't a lifetime achievement award. Its for the best performance in the last year. There was no way Annette Bening gave the best lead performance by an actress last year. Not even close

    Stand by the comment. Read his review for Precious (http://www.nypress.com/arti… The man can write and make valid points and is one of the most interesting critics working. He does not deserve to be blackballed at all.

    I would have taken a bold re-imagining over a terrible quasi-sequel like this seems to be


    Don't worry. It doesn't look like he has not got that long left judging from the clip

    This actually makes a ton of sense. The only thing were there weren't any other visual queues like that. Like you would think the FBI agents he was jealous of would also look like garbage. I never got the jealousy vibe from Hoover towards Tolson.

    Armond White is not that bad. If you actually read his reviews instead of just looking for a red tomato there is reasoning behind his positions.

    Yeah J. Edgar is not bad by any means. I doubt many of the folks slamming it have even seen the film. There are some issues with stuff like lighting and make up (on Armie Hammer's character especially) but it was actually good. DiCaprio is great and Armie Hammer is excellent. I though the love story was handled

    Am I the only one that though Harry Potter 7.2 was nothing more than above average. It was a competent film. I didn't leave the theater blown away (like say I was after The Dark Knight). I don't even have any fond memories of the film.

    Its old folks getting overdue Oscars that lead to legitimate actors getting snubbed. If he truly deserved one he would already have one.

    Damn. It must suck to have kids

    I've seen a lot of these interviews with this same bearded MTV guy and I have to say he is one of the most annoying brown nosing douche-bags working. His friend shtick is grating too.

    Fassbender can dance too

    I want to say Katy Perry was nominated for Album of the Year last year so their credibility is kind of shot. Bruno Mars is talented though

    Yes big news to all 15 of the show's fans

    I feel like Bale, Fassbender, and Hugh Jackman are almost the same actor. With the caveat that Jackman doesn't have the same dramatic chops. Fassbender and Jackman are both a little more charming and Bale is more menacing but they all are essentially the tall dark leading man.

    I finally saw this last week and it is definitely a decent movie. Probably a "B" to "B+" type level film. It stuck with me quite a bit after the initial viewing and some elements of the movie were handled wonderfully. I thought the way they approached the personal life of Hoover was admirable. The acting by DiCaprio

    I'm sure he can see the guy Joel McHale and Jeremy Piven went to

    Same here. The review was terrific. Glee not so much

    "Well, if this is it, old boy, I hope you don't mind if I go out speaking the King's"