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    I think Michael Fassbender may be one of the most powerful and charismatic actors working today. Everything I have seen him in so far he has been absolutely incredible and magnetic. What a year too.

    I am from a similar conservative ethnic background and I can tell you there is no honor in what she did. I've never known a person of color (and I am one) who has trusted the police/military in general. So to go to the CIA after they MURDER two innocent folks and refuse to apologize is mind-blowing to me. She trusted

    I don't see how she helped her husband at all. All she did was undercut him and remove any leverage he may have had. The Imam knew that Carrie's threats were empty - they already have a PR nightmare with the shootings. They aren't going to arrest the well regarded Imam too.

    What an awesome wife. I felt bad for the Imam that his wife could not be loyal. Who goes behind their husband's back to talk to the CIA? And what Muslim woman does that?

    Come on. The six year old kid is acting too? The affection and love the kid seemed to have for Brody would have been difficult to fake by an adult let alone a young child.

    I have to agree with some of the others who have commented about Isa. I bought it wholeheartedly. Brody had been alone and tortured for years and then feeling a child's pure love must have been such a change. To have that ripped away would definitely create resentment and allow one to fundamentally change.

    The hate/derision of M. Night Shyamalan has crossed over to the point where he is now actually underrated. The guy is not even close to the worst writer/director working.

    Another trope is that politicians cheat so he could still be with Carrie just not officially

    I feel like European actors are better at rural/southern accent than of a New England type accent. Like Damian Lewis on Homeland. He isn't perfect but is generally convincing.

    He hasn't even been nominated for an Oscar which is kind of surprising

    Shit. Give me twenty thousand dollars, and I'll star in one of those fake trailers in Tropic Thunder

    Ever think about manufacturing methamphetamine?

    I was talking more about a potentially unsatisfying conclusion. The Killing really only had one great episode - the pilot.

    Danes gets to be a lot more likable over the next few episodes. I though she was brittle and bitchy after the first couple but her presence has grown on me.

    When has IMDB ever been known for intelligent discussion? Thats like going to youtube to have a non-retarded discussion.

    I think its interesting that Brody is apparently being groomed by the Democrats. He doesn't seem like he would be a Democrat. I guess he could be like a Jim Webb type candidate but its still odd. You would think a career military guy like Brody would typically be a Republican.

    This is up there with the great TV dramas I have seen. Its a little like LOST in that I know there is going to be something huge in the last two minutes. But I am afraid like you they are going to pull a Killing (or even a Dexter type season) with the ending being unsatisfying.

    I think eventually Brody is going to choose Carrie. Its not like his wife can relate or provide interesting stimulating conversation

    All that tells us is that Brody is aware of a plot. Not that he is part of it but he knows of something.

    Why the fuck were the FBI guys shooting to kill. There was maybe 30 seconds between when Walker got the gun to when they got into the mosque. Is communication that fast? And don't they need Walker for intel. Why try to kill him?