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    It is hands down the greatest film I have ever seen. Absolute perfection

    I saw Crazy Stupid Love recently and could not get over seeing him as some friendly neighborhood dad. He will forever be Arthur Leigh Allen to me

    See God does answer prayers. So excited. I remember when I first watched Arrested Development and stupidly marathoned the whole series in three days. I literally felt sad when I got to the last episode. Cannot wait

    More like 12 seasons and two movies!

    Kristen Stewart isn't a bad actress though. I agree with your general points but she is a way better actor than either Lautner or Pattinson (granted which isn't saying much). She was great in Adventureland and that Joan Jett movie

    Clearly there are millions of people who genuinely defend it. The real question is there anyone who shares your sensibilities who non-ironically appreciates Twilight.

    You know who else shouldn't be the the object of anger: Justin Bieber

    sure you don't

    I think the standard has to be could someone else have played the role as well. I could have easily seen Matt Damon as Billy Beane. Pitt wasn't bad but he wasn't mesmerizing.

    Gervais has transformed comedy. He was a pioneer in single camera comedies and in making podcasts popular & respectable. I don't think that the description is outrageous.

    Did anybody else see that Funny or Die clip of Foxx, Shandling, and Gibson. Gibson seems to be at least a little self aware

    I'm sorry if I wasn't totally appropriate with my terminology. I'm commenting on an article on the internet not running for Congress.

    I think its more of a thing of the writers wanting to be coy and build suspense.

    I think Brody's fame would be equal to that fat mexican guy who saved a bunch of people when the congresswoman was shot in Arizona. Kind of famous but not that famous that he is going to be universally recognized. And add in that he isn't in military uniform he is going to be even harder to identify.

    Sepinwall's review said its 12. Which is Dexter's usual amount so that would seem to be the number

    Terriers was just not that good. I think there are maybe 600 people in the world who believe that it was great. And they all comment here.

    I would have watched those two just talk for an hour. It was just fun to watch

    It actually makes sense that Walker would get turned. How would you feel if your fellow American POW turned on you. A little open to some terrorism right?

    I love Breaking Bad as much as anyone here but this was as exciting with none of the explosions and chases. A lot more difficult to pull off.

    Dexter has been exposed since Breaking Bad came about. Its a slightly better CSI or Criminal Minds. Outside of maybe Seasons 1 & 2 its been terribly stale and mediocre. And I used to be a huge fan of Dexter. Its just not at the same level of other elite shows