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    Holy shit. That might have been the best hour of television I have seen this entire year (the only competition being Breaking Bad). Damian Lewis has to be a mortal lock for an Emmy nod at this point. I think he has to be the most charismatic actor working in television. Wow

    It was probably the best of the changes. It kept these articles alive for more than the customary 18 hours or so

    I too remember this movie being on TNT on like a loop growing up

    From the experience I have had with southern culture there is definitely some antisemitism. Not widespread but its there. And this in 2011. Think about 1951 or 1911

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Sacha Baron Cohen are way bigger actors than the guy whose the 7th lead on The Office or a nerdy jewish kid from 90s high school comedy. There is no way they don't have any lines

    I hesitate to call Armond White a troll because he has written on occasion some reviews that are so honest, raw, and truthful. Like his review for Precious. If he is a troll he is only part time

    Technically its not

    says the guy commenting on an article on a tv centric site

    I'm a little surprised by the generally mediocre reviews for this. I'll probably still see it based off DiCaprio - dude hasn't had a bad movie in almost ten years and I have really enjoyed Eastwood's last few movies. It seems like his history haunts him and sets too high of expectations.

    Female youths between the ages of 7 and 15

    I can't really speak to the accusations that the man is dumb. He seemed pretty normal to me.

    A little conceited too but I suppose that goes with the territory.

    The special effects were atrocious for the fist 4 episodes to the point where it was hard to watch. They have either gotten more money to spend or gotten smarter with using special effects b/c it isn't as distracting anymore.

    Same thing for me except I watched initially for tits alone

    Carrie is always on those pain killers right? Is that substantially different than being drunk? She probably has a significantly better alcohol/drug tolerance and is used to being in an altered state of mind.

    Exactly. It is so hard for me to believe that Islamic terrorists have that well run of an operation. It seems more likely that they are some sort of well financed undercover type operation than a terrorist cell. How would they have a team watching the house, watching Faizal on his evening commute, have the time

    I think she wanted to psych Brody out by telling him about the polygraph and earn his confidence/trust. If he has 12-18 hours to think about it he is going to panic.

    That is the first thing I thought of. No condom and presumably ejaculation inside. Though from a health risk its probably more likely that Carrie is carrying (so to speak) and diseases more so than Brody.

    Its interesting to see the derision for Ratner here (sure his films aren't that great) but what would you do in that situation? Not feeling a whole lot of sympathy for a fame whore. Both got what they wanted. No harm done

    I think its a reference to the fact that Munn became more ethnic over time (like say a Carlos Mencia)